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Li Sally's POV

—How is that you've never been in an amusement park? —Zhou looked at me worried—. You really weren't there during your whole life? —grabbed my arms gently—. Never?

—I know you are surprised, and I appreciate the fact you worry about me—I smiled—, but I... I don't think that's necessary—shrugged while shaking my head.

—Course it is! Even I went there! You've never been in a rollercoaster or something?

No—I highlighted that word's pronunciation.

—That's actually weird! Why? —Yu asked with her eyes widened.

—Well—I scratched my head after Zhou freed me.

I was ready for it.

—... I was going to go with my mom when I was twelve—continued with a slight smile—. It was my birthday. After going to a fountain and making wishes with some coins, my mom was going to take me when suddenly my dad found us and took us home. He—I took a deep breath—... He didn't like it when I celebrated my birthday, so mom and I had to do it behind his back by all these years. But that time... was the worst. I guess I don't need to tell you what happened later.

Their eyes widened.

—You said your mom died on your birthday with the Death Strike after arguing and fighting—Zhou remembered—. Was that the reason why they were arguing?

—Perhaps... I don't know, mom told me to hide before he could do something to me. And she was right, when I was like six... Well... Someone has a kerchief? —Zhou gave me one—. Thanks—I rubbed it on my right calf, revealing a scar—. Huh, I almost can't see it.

It was kinda tiny, and it was fading totally. I still remember when it was a little bigger and fresh, it looked so awful with its sutures, so much that I wore a patch above so no one could see it.

—Was it made with a knife? —I nodded at Yu's question.

—I'm sorry for saying it —Zhou looked at my wound and then at my eyes while licking his lips—, but your father was... actually—scratched his head—... cruel and ruthless.

—I know, there are worst wounds.

—You said the other day that no one knows what happened between your mom, dad and you—the eldest girl suddenly said—. Is that what actually happened? And there's more?

—I can proudly say that most of my wounds didn't come from that.

—The other ones... were for that experience as a fighter? —the black haired boy asked.

I nodded shyly and then grabbed his wrist to go to my office so I could tell him.

—Why are we here? You're not going to tell Sis yet?

—Yu already knows since a while... Since my mom passed away until some months after my graduation, but before I settled down to Macau, I... went to clandestine fights—looked at the ground.


—I wanted to go to Zhengze, and I thought that without my inheritance it wouldn't be possible. Since I wanted to learn how to live from the money I could make by myself, I started to work hard on it. Almost every night in vacations, and when I was studying only at Fridays and Saturdays, sometimes even the rest of the week but never Sundays.

—Why not Sundays?

—I went once when I was fourteen and that was the worst mistake I could ever make. That's something that only few people know.

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