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Right after going to the airport, I went to Zhengze and I saw Tian in the taekwondo club. He was seriously injured.

—Oh, hoh~, Ming Tian, why did you get yourself into this state? —XiaoMi complained—

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—Oh, hoh~, Ming Tian, why did you get yourself into this state? —XiaoMi complained—. It hurts me to see you like this.

Yanan touched his chin with her index and Tian jumped.

—That's right! We don't think anything about He XiaoFeng. You didn't need to do this!

—Wait, what happened? —I asked.

—I went to Zhiying to watch He XiaoFeng's skills.

—Well, I fought her, you both have to—I commented.

—I knew you two would say that—Tian looked at the seniors—. That's why I made my mind up to go to Zhiying. I have to say this was a worthwhile trip. He XiaoFeng has made a fast progress during this time. If you continue to think lightly of her, I'm afraid you'll have difficulties to defeat her.

—I'm not afraid of that! —XiaoMi replied.

—Don't interrupt, Cat, Tian is saying his point—I scolded her.

—Let Ming Tian finish—Yanan followed me.

The red haired girl looked at us three with a pout while the brunette haired man stood up and interlocked his hands behind his back.

—She is faster than Yanan and stronger than XiaoMi. Moreover, she has trained her power and stamina considerably well, she has a little more stamina than Sally.

—Speed is indeed my weakness—Yanan pronounced.

—It's because I'm short—XiaoMi followed.

—If you're short, than what am I? —I frowned—. Anyways I don't think she has more energy than me. Right, Tian?

My cousin just ignored my question.

—I was meaning—XiaoMi stared at me—... If I ate as much as Glutton Nan, I wouldn't lose to her in strength—pointed at Yanan.

—Ah! —Yanan raised her index at her—. Song XiaoMi, what are you talking about? —the red haired girl immediately grabbed her left arm.

—Seniors—Tian called but they were still arguing.

—Stop it! —I complained and they did, the taekwondo club captain crossed her arms and turned her face to her left and Yanan put her hands on her hips.

—I believe He XiaoFeng's strengths are also her weaknesses—Tian started to walk around us—. Even though she has more power than XiaoMi, she doesn't measure up to XiaoMi in terms of agility and speed. On the other hand, even though she's faster than Yanan, she's not as strong as Yanan. And despite she barely has more stamina than Sally, her levels of energy, mind agility and power are lower than Sally's ones.

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