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After the dawn of a new day, right in the afternoon, Wu Ji went to Fang's Group. Once he was inside the building, he saw the receptionist and walked towards her.

—Hello. How can I help you? —she asked with a smile.

—I look for Queen.

The woman frowned.

—Fang Yu—the black haired man said so she could understand.

—Fang Yu—the black haired man said so she could understand

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—Oh, Vice Chairman Fang? She's not in. Sir, you can leave your name and number. Vice Chairman will contact you when she returns—offered him a hook folder and a pen so he could write his data.

The man in black clothes put them aside.

—Tell her Wu Ji wants a match with her.

And so he left the building.

Meanwhile, in a restaurant, Fang Yu and Li Sally went with Wang ShiWei towards a table. When he saw the dark brunette haired girl since afar with her best friend, he got nervous, but when he walked towards them and Yu acted like nothing was happening he got it clear. He thought Fang Yu didn't know it yet, so he nodded.

Salky smirked once he believed that lie.

—Oh, by the way, I want to introduce you to my other best friend, Li Ramírez Sally—Yu pointed at her—. She's The Ripper's daughter and Patricio Ramírez's granddaughter. You know, Ramírez's Incorporated, the allies from Spain. She's Fang Zhou's girlfriend too, they have like a month together. Right, Sāi?

—Yeah, twenty eight days, almost one month already. You can also call me SāiLí—offered her hand and he kissed it, when she was just expecting for a hand shaking—. Hey, we met before, you sipped with her in that restaurant. I heard so much things about you.

—And so did I about you—the black haired man smirked.

Sally sat down almost by herself, she was going to deny ShiWei's help when he suddenly was helping with her chair already so she had to accept it.

—Ah, it's true, before they fired you—Yu snickered as ShiWei helped her to sit down.

—I'm so flattered since you asked me out.

—How could I not? You keep complaining to my grandpa.

The only rich man chuckled and interlaced his hands. He looked at Sally a little surprised when she giggled.

—I was just afraid he would be displeased that you keep rejecting me—he commented.

Then a waiter arrived and gave them some menus.

—The afternoon tea right here is very well-known. Order anything you want—he looked at both of the girls, then he received a message.

Meng Sir

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