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Like eight days later, Tian could finally see Yu thanks to Zhou, they're getting along again. He also got the house and even turned into our landlord, I still have the apartment so I go there sometimes because of the Grandpa, but specially when I want to think better or train alone. He thinks I live there and just for the tension there is between Yu and him I let him think that.

I also had to go with my grandparents back to New York because Achihiko was expulsed from Zhiying and Kenachi finally got the justice he deserved. I'll explain it better. I showed the video to Guanyan, who asked me for a copy so he could show it to Zhiying's President, but I told him it wasn't necessary since I sent one to my godfather who sent it to him, what made Achihiko got expulsed.

I also had a really long talk with Zhengze and Zhiying's presidents after that.

Since Kenachi was going back to America before the chinese police "could know it"—but anyways I also sent the video to Sadie—, he was arrested right there and taking advantage of the fact my grandpa had some business there I also went to New York since I was an important witness in the case, which trial was private since my grandparents paid for it.

Now I should wait until the Chinese cops finally get ShangHuo arrested.

Moving back to the present, Zhou and I went to his grandpa's office. Even if the misunderstanding is clear, I still want to send back the slap he gave me.

—I already saw the reports on those investment projects—he said—. SāiLí, you're back from New York since your grandparents and you had stuff to do. You learned so much things there?

—Yes—I nodded—. The planning department is more interesting than what I thought.

What? I didn't just go to the trial, I also went to visit my best friend, her girlfriend and Auntie Mei. I even helped to work for a while and gave her a big part of the money I got from the street fights so she could invert it on the restaurant.

—Grandpa, before we talk about business, there's a personal matter I want to discuss. I'm renting out the house to Ming Tian again—Zhou interrupted and I mentally facepalmed—. Sally's still living on the apartment, alone—he lied.

 Sally's still living on the apartment, alone—he lied

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The grandpa turned around to see us better.

—Are you deliberately playing the devil's advocate? —interlaced his hands behind his back.

—Are you deliberately playing the devil's advocate? —interlaced his hands behind his back

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