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After leaving the President's office, we started to just walk nowhere.

—So... A clandestine fighter. Right, Sally? —XiaoMi patted her mouth with her index—. Is that true or you were just lying for staying here?

—I ain't a pathologic liar if that's what you ask. And it's true.

—You were a street-!?

Yanan covered the red haired girl's mouth while my cousin and I put our indexes on our lips and made the famous sound of silence so she could shut up.

—That's the reason why you said that say in the library that you have experience? That's the experience you have fighting? —XiaoMi grabbed Yanan's wrist and lowered it.

—Yes, I was, and yes, that's the experience I have as a fighter. I'm not so proud of it, but at least I didn't... you guys know.

—But you almost did—Yanan finished.

—Yeah, that was my last fight. And since when are you so interested in my life, Song XiaoMi? —I frowned while crossing my arms.

—What? —crossed her arms—. I just wanted to know all the information before someone else tried to make me believe anything else like Achihiko does. And I'm also worried for you, you hadn't tell anyone else but Ming Tian? That's the reason why you cried? Because your past is dark and hurting you? You can open to me, if something hurts you, you can tell me, starting now! What happened with your parents? You never talk about Ripper and neither about your dad.

My eyes widened at her questions from the indignation I was feeling.

"How she dares to tell me that stuff like if nothing between us happened? If this... girl knew..."

—XiaoMi, please don't be hypocrite. You didn't ever do nothing for me, and if you did it was just so Tian could like you.

—If she ever did something for you—Yanan commented.

—Yeah, she'd never done nothing for me just because I am the distant cousin, not another one of Tian's siblings. And you're starting right now?... XiaoMi, you and I know we can't get along, and that's okay. Since the very first day we are so opposite one from each other than we can't even talk at each other. You ignore me because you dislike me, and I always roll my eyes everytime you say something since you're so annoying to me. Perhaps we would never get along, but believe me when I say this: I don't need your pity.

She just got surprised and crossed her arms.

—Okay. If you say so...

—Sally—Yu called me—. Since when do you...? Eh...

—Since my mom passed away. As I said, I just wanted to earn money for the scholarship because of the plan I had.

—What's that plan?

—Getting inside here, Yanan. And I did it. Since now I realized I was kinda bad in the past... I need to change. And please no one ask anything else, I talked too much today—crossed my arms.

—Sally is kinda reserved, it was a miracle when she confessed me this—Tian talked for me—. I already knew it since a lot of time ago, that's how we started to get along.

Then we saw Sun Hao. He was walking side to side, waiting for us, I guess.

 He was walking side to side, waiting for us, I guess

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