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Since yesterday, Tian was acting kinda weird. He started to do exercise in the Car Wash station, like he was training. There's something I definitely don't know about him: One day he says he hates violence, fights and combat sports even when he needs to defense himself but at the next day he literally starts to train somehow. Anyways, I also did exercise with him like if I knew what he was training for in each free time we had.

 Anyways, I also did exercise with him like if I knew what he was training for in each free time we had

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"Tian, can you please tell me why are you training?", I finally asked while I was doing abs.

"... If I want to protect the people I love, I should learn how to protect myself first."

"... I thought you'd never say that", smirked. "If you want, just tell me and I'll help you."

"Shouldn't you train for the tournament?"

"Yeah, as well as you. Remember that the new students should fight in the tournament. If we train together, it would be better for both of us, believe me."

At the next day, after all my classes at Zhengze, I got a new notification on my phone. It was the tournament's preliminary entries, Tian and I are in the Group A. Then I heard someone yelling, and I remember so well his voice.

 Then I heard someone yelling, and I remember so well his voice

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"Hey, I'm yelling at you!", Ma YiChen ran towards us. "Are you deaf or blind?"

And I also saw two more persons. I know one of them actually. Her eyes, her expressions, everything.

Kamizura Achihiko.

"Sally Li Ramírez. I thought I would never see you again after the graduation", she smirked. "When you yelled you would go to Zhengze university, I didn't think you'd go right here, what a coincidence. You remember when I used to make you fall to the ground?", asked in a weird chinese accent, it looks like she's still learning.

Her voice was cynical and sarcastic, as usual when she was talking to me. She could never even hit me.

"You and I know you're afraid of me, you can't even kill a fly and neither speak chinese well, why you're studying at Zhiying? Seems like they literally accept anyone."

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