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Li Sally's POV

I was at the boxing club again. Hao said he was sick but I saw XiaoMi with a suspicious face, perhaps she's got something to do over there. Talking about that, XiaoMi was training Tian, not for taking a beating, but making him beat some special bags she had on her hands like if they were gloves. Despite I have years in this world, I still don't know the names of those stuff since I wasn't brave enough to ask.

Yes, even fighters can feel the shame

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Yes, even fighters can feel the shame. Perhaps I should research on the internet, if it wasn't for the time I didn't have then, I would have done it.

Anyways, I was watching them since the ring borders until I felt some running towards us, I tilted my head and saw Yanan, who stood up beside me.

-Li Sally, Ming Tian, Song XiaoMi! I have good news-Yanan said and they two walked towards her.

-What? -XiaoMi asked.

-Ming Tian and Li Sally are in the same bracket as Ma YiChen and Kamizura Achihiko.

-Great, that's cool! She's such a beginner, even more than Tian-I commented-. Defeating her will be easy.

-Yeah, congratulations! -XiaoMi celebrated for Tian.

-But there is also bad news. Luo Guanyan is also in the same bracket.

-Then it's a dead bracket-the red haired girl commented.

-Why are you saying that? -I asked.

-At present, Luo Guanyan is the most likely candidate to proceed to the finals-Yanan answered-. Ming Tian, Li Sally, if you guys are matched up against him, you'll have to be prepared for a fierce battle.

We nodded.

-Ah, I know what fierce battles are.

-I hope street fights are as awful as you described.

-They're even worst, Yanan. You don't know how many people go to the hospital or die in the ring when fighting there-I shook my head-... by day.

-Senior Sis, I heard the prelims are completed in just one day. There are so many competitors. How can eight victors be determined in one day?

-That's because the majority will forfeit-XiaoMi responded.

-Forfeit? -Tian and I frowned.

-Really? -I followed.

-Yeah. This usually happens after an overwhelming match. If there is a tremendous difference in skill level between the victor and another competitors, we will see a domino effect with a series of forfeits-the red haired girl continued-. Think about it. If you know you'll lose badly, would you still step up to the ring?

-In street fights, yes-The three of them looked at me in shock-. That's the reason why I said they're so awful.

-That means, the stronger an athlete, the more forfeits there will be.

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