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When I arrived at XiaoMi's house, she received me with a grimace when she noticed it was me and not Tian. She was the only one in that house, and if I remember well, the red haired girl told me that her mom was always working so she's accustom to stay alone at her house. That actually makes me remember when my parents had to travel for work and I stayed with Auntie Mei. I sat on the couch and she sat in front of me.

—Well, how many words have you learned today? —I got some books from my bag.

—Why didn't Ming Tian come? —she asked back.

I licked my lips and sighed.

—... He convinced me to come.

—Oh—crossed her arms—. Why?

—Mmm... I think you know. Let's start with the-

—Is this because you don't want me with Ming Tian? Why-?

—Ming Tian himself texted me to go—I showed her his messages and then opened one of the books—. Aren't we studying? You have a test to pass—searched through some pages.

—Why you don't want me close from Ming Tian?

I sighed and closed the book.

—What do you want to know, Coquettish Cat?

—Everything—glared at me—. And why you call me Coquettish cat?

—It suits you. And it looks like you're learning well-

—Don't change the topic! What in the heck do you know?

—You mean your plans? —she nodded and I leaned in—. Everything—pronounced seriously.

She gasped.

—I spied your conversation with Hao. And I know what you actually do. You like it when every boy is behind you, you like to call the attention. And what better than having Zhengze's first male student, the one every girl wanted, behind you? You're not breaking his heart. You won't hurt Tian while I am here in this world. I won't allow you that. It's that and the fact he likes someone else the reasons why I don't want you close from Tian.

—I don't want to break his heart!

—And what did you exactly do with Fang Zhou?

—... That's something you don't need to know! He's a kid and I am twenty! I can't date him!

—Yeah, but you illusioned him and then rejected him. He told me everything. But I should thank you 'cause, if it wasn't for you, perhaps he wouldn't have asked me to go to a charity event with him. But even without you he would have given me flowers anyways—XiaoMi stayed in shock—. Believe me, Coquettish Cat, you should look for someone who actually likes you. Look that crawling for someone is not very well seen anywhere. They would even call you "crazy girl with low self-esteem". Love yourself, and I mean it. If he's not for you, he's not for you—shook my head.

—Like if you've been rejected by someone.

—For a while, I thought I was indeed. And I saw Sadie being rejected as well as I saw her rejecting a lot of people.

—You mean boys.

—She's bisexual, what did you think Candy was from her? Her sister? —I laughed—. Why do you want to know this? Because you think I'm "stealing Zhou to you"—I made quotes—so you would know how it feels or something? If there's something between Zhou and I, it's none of your business, as well as my life. I know your plans, XiaoMi. You want to befriend me so I would like you and tell Tian that you're amazing and try to help you so you could get his heart. Coquettish Cat, I'm not innocent—shook my head.

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