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At the next day, Tian and I arrived way too early compared with yesterday. He had a face of disappointment, like he didn't had another option than doing just that. But what was that? I didn't know until when he asked me to go with him to the director's office and then asked him to allow his transfer request.

 But what was that? I didn't know until when he asked me to go with him to the director's office and then asked him to allow his transfer request

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"Why?", the director immediately stood up and faced him. "Are you dissatisfied with something? We could make improvement."

"No, director. The academy is perfect. But being the only male student here is too awkward", the man wearing a tie nodded. "I don't have any privacy at all. There's no dressing room nor toilet for male. I... I think this school ain't ready to enroll male students."

"You're right", he sighed. "Our preparation is not satisfying."

Tian smiled and then bowed.

"Thank you for understanding."

The director immediately showed a document at Tian's face.

The director immediately showed a document at Tian's face

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"I've applied for a fund. We'll finish construction as quick as possible. What's more, your silhouette will be on the door", walked in circles around of the tallest.

Wow, if someone offered me that I probably wouldn't reject it.

"Look to your left!"

Tian looked at the right for some reason and the director took a picture, after that my cousin instinctively covered his face, perhaps for the possible flash which came from the phone.

Tian looked at the right for some reason and the director took a picture, after that my cousin instinctively covered his face, perhaps for the possible flash which came from the phone

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