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Some minutes after a little break for the commercials, the academy's supervisors called me and Wu Ji to go to the stage, they were looking for Yu since she didn't appear yet. The supervisors and even the president were there on the stage, he was holding the trophy so everyone could see it as the director was holding a microphone.

 The supervisors and even the president were there on the stage, he was holding the trophy so everyone could see it as the director was holding a microphone

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—She ain't here? —I denied at the man in black's question—. Hey. I saw you before, little girl—pointed at me—. But I don't remember when...

—Really? Where? Yesterday in the tournament?

—In the prelims, but I didn't mean that. I saw you before this shit of the tournament. But I also heard you're Queen's best friend. You don't know where she is?... Or are you covering her?

—Why would she be afraid of a jerk like you? —I glared at him—. She already faced more guys like you and even worst, as I did.

—Alright, you don't know where she is, I'll stop insisting—raised his arms.

—Time is up! —the director exclaimed—. Fang Yu still hasn't appeared. The MMA Queen has disappeared! Did she forfeit out of fear before she could face the last competitor? This is far too unexpected! I now declare... Fang Yu... has been disqualified! The last match will be between Li Sally, also know as Shapeshifter, against Wu Ji!

—Without getting a chance to fight Queen, this tournament is meaningless. Whoever wants it can have it—he took off his gloves as he was leaving the stage and people was jeering him again.

 Whoever wants it can have it—he took off his gloves as he was leaving the stage and people was jeering him again

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—Hey! —I shouted and he turned around.

—What happened, little girl? I don't have all day long.

—Don't call me "Little girl". Didn't your mom teach you to be careful of what you do by your own merit? You have to end what you start!

—Well said, Sally! —the president agreed.

—Girl—Ji smirked—, you have the trophy.

—I don't want it if we don't have a fight.

—You really wanna go to the hospital? —looked at his gloves then at me.

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