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—So... That's what actually happened? —Mr. Fang asked.

While I was explaining it all to my grandparents in Spanish, Zhou told his Grandpa everything he knew in his main idiom. All of us being sat on the couches.

—Yes—I nodded—. Last night I was happy and confused for discovering ShangHuo wasn't ever my father, more confused than happy, but now that you said this... I don't know what to think anymore.

—... Ya lo sabíamos, Sally—("We already knew it, Sally"), grandma confessed.

¿Qué? —("What?").

Ya sabíamos que Lorena no era feliz con ShangHuo. Pero pensamos que se divorciaron y que ella se había quedado con tu custodia dado que nunca más volvió a hablar de él—("We already knew Lorena wasn't happy with ShangHuo. But we thought they divorced and she stayed with your custody since she never talked about him anymore"), my grandpa explained—. No creímos que él os había hecho todo esto hasta que cumpliste doce. Debimos saberlo, ella era tan reservada como tú lo eres. Y eso en cierta forma la mató—("We didn't believe he'd done all of this until you turned twelve. We should have known it, she was as reserved as you are. And that somehow killed her").

I nodded.

Está bien si detestas a Lorena por lo que hizo, pero recuerda que siempre será tu mamá—("It's okay if you hate Lorena for what she did, but remember the fact she will always be your mom").

Y el hecho de que ella cambió por mí. O por Ming Hai tal vez—("And the fact she changed for me. Or for Ming Hai maybe").


—Ugh. No puedo odiarla, abuela. Aún con todo lo malo que hizo no puedo odiarla—("I can't hate her, Grandma. Even with all the bad stuff she did, I can't hate her"), shook my head—. I just can't hate my mom when she's done everything for me.

It's okay, Sāi—Zhou stroke my hair—. It's okay.

—If you don't let your brothers live in your apartment, will you forget what I just did?

—That's unfair! —Zhou reclaimed standing up.

—Fang Zhou! —his grandpa scolded him.

My eyes widened as I pulled Zhou's wrist so he would sit down.

—Fang, it's true. You shouldn't do a deal like that, even less when I am here—my grandpa defended me and my boyfriend—. And since you know the story I have with my wife, you shouldn't judge my daughter, neither my granddaughter and even less her half brother so easily. Sally has just found out. It's not her fault, she didn't choose this life.

—Even if she betrayed her husband, I won't let this alliance end for something so personal—the eldest man sighed—... I guess I should apologize with you, Young SāiLí.

—Thank you, Mr. Pat—Zhou bowed.

You're~ welcome.

—I forgive you, Mr. Fang.

Then Zhou got a call. He was worried for what they were telling him.

—Grandpa, I have an emergency. I should leave.

Yeah, as well as us. Sally, what if you  show us your new apartment?

It's weird when my grandpa talks to me in English. I'm accustomed to hear him talking in that idiom just to Chairman Fang or Zhou since Yu knows Spanish, probably from mom or themselves.

—Eh, sure.

—Eh, sure

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