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—Li Sally, also known as "Shapeshifter", is the eighth and last victor of the prelims! —the director exclaimed while the arbiter raised my arm—. She's moving on to the finals! Who between these new finalists do you think will fight against the two last years winner, Fang Yu, the Queen of Zhengze?

While I was hearing everyone screaming my name, I saw Achihiko's unconscious body being taken by the nurses and between the crowd I saw Kenachi mumbling something I couldn't understand. Since I don't care what he thinks, even if he's a murderer, I went quietly to the seats behind the ring after bowing and greeting to the other seven victors and the public. I just saw Sadie, Candy, Auntie Mei, Zhou, the detective Hopkins and Guanyan.

Oh my God, Sally, congratulations! —my best friend hugged me.

You're such a great fighter! —Candy joined.

Your skills have improved—Sadie's dad nodded impressed and raised his thumb.

I'm so proud of you—Auntie Mei dropped a little tear.

Thank you all.

Then two more persons joined the hug.

—You're in the finals, Sally! I'm so happy for you! —XiaoHua smiled brightly once we all undone the hug.

—Yeah! Since you did it for me... and yourself, I'll treat you a lunch tomorrow. You'll see it'll be the best one you'll ever eat—XiaoDuo nodded and pointed at me.

—Well, here you got the best chef I've ever met—I pointed at my auntie who just giggled—, so let's see if that's true.

—What they've said is true—Zhou looked at me with his charming expression—. You're exceptionally good—he gave me a gardenia—. Excuse me if it has some dirt, I found it on the floor after Sis XiaoMi threw the ones I was going to give you.

I stared at the little flower and then at him surprised.

I stared at the little flower and then at him surprised

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—Yo-You were going to give me those flowers?

He nodded shyly and I smiled trying to hide my blush. Then Guanyan suddenly held my right shoulder.

—They've called your seniors to the President's office. Yanan told me to tell you that you should go there too—pointed at the way they three probably went—. They also talked about Ming Tian so he'll maybe be there if the nurse let him go.

—Oh. Thanks. See you guys in the entrance! —I told my people before I ran to my godfather's office.

 See you guys in the entrance! —I told my people before I ran to my godfather's office

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