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A/N: Ten chapters left uwu 😥

I was running through the city this morning, when I greeted Yanan and then saw Guanyan with teary eyes some meters later.

I was running through the city this morning, when I greeted Yanan and then saw Guanyan with teary eyes some meters later

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What if what I think was actually real?

—Luo Guanyan? Hello~—I walked towards him while saluting him.

He chuckled while winked a little so his tears won't drop.

—What's up, Sāi?

—What's up with you? I guess—turned my head around to see where Yanan left—... Oh. Guanyan, you must know something.

—If it's the fact He XiaoFeng told Yanan that I supposedly pursued her just to make her dad teach me the Death Strike, you should know she already told me—put his hands on his pockets while nodding.

—That's something Yanan would do. Wait... You said "supposedly". What if... we talk a little bit about it so we would know what is really going on.


My stomach suddenly sounded and the black haired man snickered.

—What if I also treat you something?

—I knew I was forgetting something when I was leaving the house—hid my lips and glared at nowhere—. Thank you.

Then I felt Guanyan wrapped his right arm around my shoulders. Some minutes later, I was eating breakfast and he was just sitting in front of me while explaining me what happened between Yanan and him.

—Are you sure you're not eating anything?

—No. Just this apple—raised his hand and played with it before taking a bite.

I giggled for the way he saw the apple. At least he still has hopes on Yanan.

—Okay. She just told me some nights ago and I instantly knew there was something behind all of this. You're way too good to doing this—denied before I ate a little more—. Unless you gave me a wrong impression—pointed at him doubtly.

Guanyan chuckled.

—I'll let you think of that by yourself. But first let me explain you my point of view. He XiaoFeng first confessed me her feelings, and since I like Yanan, she thought of her as an enemy. So in when I quit in the prelims, she heard a conversation I had with Uncle Cheng when I left for a while before watching you.

—Cheng DaFu—I nodded.

—Course. He found out I quit because of Yanan, and he even asked me if I like Yanan or I just want to learn the Death Strike. And you saw me at the dance party.

—I know what I saw—I nodded—. Keep talking.

—And then, one single day, Yanan just told me to go to hell.

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