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Fang Yu's POV

Zhou and I were going to a meeting, and in the car we were reading our schedule of today.

—We'll tour the hotel and listen to reports. Then we return to the office in the afternoon for a presentation on exhibition plans. Wait, that dumb secretary Wang didn't leave us any time to eat—Zhou complained.

—Don't accuse him from that—I lifted the drawer that was between my seat and his, revealing some delicious snacks—. They're even organic.

Zhou grabbed one, looked at it and gave it to me

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Zhou grabbed one, looked at it and gave it to me.

Zhou grabbed one, looked at it and gave it to me

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—You have some too—I smiled.

—Okay—picked one for himself.

—By the way, what happened actually in the charity event? —I asked and he frowned.

—Sis, you don't make these kind of questions actually. Do you...? No, I'm not telling you.

—If you're not telling me, I'll conclude you like Sally.

—I don't like her! —my brother complained—. I introduced her to Grandpa, and we danced together, she also stole some desserts to her cousins.

I giggled.

—That's weird but cute coming from her. Wait, you guys danced?

—Yeah, she's pretty good at dancing—he nodded and smiled—. Did you know that Latin girls should learn to dance waltz since they're kids because they have to prepare for when they turn into fifteen? It's a tradition over there. Because... You remember her mom was Latin, right?

My eyes widened while I nodded.

—Yeah, she was born in Spain... Wow. So Sally actually knows how to dance. But, nothing actually happened while you guys were dancing?

—Something like what? —he ate another snack.

—Something like... I don't know... Attraction, maybe? —I smirked—. I heard that dancing is a way to seduce someone.

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