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Once we arrived to Zhengze, Tian and I saw the entrance and some security checks outside. There were also some bowls with all kinds of weapons, some bricks and even a pair of flats with sharp embellishments.


—XiaoHua was definitely not exaggerating—I thought to myself.

—Let's go inside—he took off the helmet and got off the bike, I turned Zhan off and parked close from there then I also got off it.

I took off my helmet and combed Tian's hair at the same time he combed mine after saving the helmets inside the bike.

—Now it's okay—we giggled.

The director went running towards the security checks.

—Ming Tian, Li Sally! Come on, come on! —made the sign so we were going to him and Tian went first, then I stayed behind the security door—. Li Sally, I remember when your mother wore that dress. You also look so beautiful on it!

I picked up from my bag my swiss knife and gave it to him, so the director gasped.

—Li Sally! —glared at me—. From all the people, I'd never think you would bring weapons to the dance party!

—You never know when you need a swiss knife, at least I'm giving it to you, it's the only weapon I have. And I'm gonna ask you to give it back to me once I leave.

He nodded a little confused.

—Just in case, let me check you again—the director passed the metal detector in front of me and it sounded. I opened my purse and saw that the only metal thing I had was my phone—. Ah, okay, come in! —pointed at nowhere with his hand.

Tian waited for me all this seconds so we went inside, then we saw all the people looking at us. XiaoHua and XiaoDuo were absolutely amazing, I went towards them and hugged them.

 XiaoHua and XiaoDuo were absolutely amazing, I went towards them and hugged them

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—Oh my God, you look so beautiful! —we three said at the same time.

—Is this your mom's dress? —I nodded to XiaoHua's question—. Wow, it fits you so well. And by the way, I don't need the band.

—Thank you, your dresses are also pretty. And, you don't need it for now. I hope you won't but... here I got it just in case.

—So, you're staying here the whole party? —XiaoDuo's eyes widened.

—Mmm, no. I'll try to leave once the president sees me here. I seriously hate balls and despite this scenary is actually cool, I don't feel so comfortable in this moment.

—Well, at least we'll make you enjoy it so you won't leave that easily.

I nodded and went towards the seniors and Hao. And also Tian as well as he arrived there first. I saw Yu putting her phone inside her bag and Yanan frowned at her while telling her something.

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