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Li Sally's POV

I remembered the conversation I had with the grandpa.

—Young SāiLí, you told me once that you are living with your cousins. Is that right?

—Yes—I nodded—. Since last year. We started in Macau, then we settled down here two months before Tian and I went to our first day at Zhengze. Why are you asking me that?

—Since I know that, I also know the fact you needed Ming Tian as a pry for getting accustom here. He was an impulse for you. Don't you think it's time to attend yourself and no one else?

—... You're saying that I used my cousin to get accustomed here?

—Not necessarily. It seems like you got along with them three. But that's not the topic I wanted to talk with you.

—Then what is it?

He gave me a piece of paper.

—Go to this place when you think nothing else can make it worse.

I picked the piece of paper from my mathematics notebook. That adress was close from Zhengze, and at the same time it was close from WuTong school. Then I remembered the grandpa's second question. Time to attend myself and no one else? What does that mean?

Why he tried to make me think I used Tian? Did I really do it?

I don't think so. I worked hard with him, I learned the lot with him. He even could push me away but he didn't.

Then what...?

—SāiLí! —Hao Ma entered to the room and hugged me—. You seem shocked, Sun Hao told me everything. Is it really the first time you see your grandparents from Spain?

—At least since my mom died, yeah. I was just... looking at the window. There is people going to a part of the beach. Did you both ever go there?

—Mmm... No. It's practically strange, we live in front of a beach but part of this is private so I couldn't ever bring Sun Hao there.

—But that didn't impede the fact I went there. There are a shack and a lighthouse.

Hao entered to the room too.

—So you didn't just fight bullies—my eyes widened while I smirked—. You have done a lot of things—nodded.

—Yeah, and I'm not proud of that—glared at her son.

—Well, you can't talk—pointed at me—, I heard you're a street fighter.

—I was a street fighter just because of the scholarship, but in the end my mom paid my whole enrollment before she died so I didn't ever have to do it. It's a long story and I retired months before moving here. Wait... You said there is a shack inside that private beach?

Hao nodded.

—It's a really cute one. You wanna see a photo?


The black haired man picked his phone and showed me the photo. It wasn't just a picture, it was the picture.

—I saw this before—I showed him the photo of my mom's shack.

—It's almost the same one! —Hao Ma commented when she saw both of them—. Wait, no, it's practically he same shack!

—This one was from some years ago, from 2013, few time before my mom... You know. There is also a map she had—I showed them the picture of the map—. Maybe we have way too much coincidences.

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