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While Li Sally and Ming Tian were running for getting outside the place they were, and Fang Yu was arriving there with Wang ShiWei meanwhile Zhou was taking the Ming twins to their house, Sun Hao was driving a car for taking XiaoMi, Guanyan, YiChen and Yanan to the address Zhou gave to the short haired girl. XiaoMi was sat on the copilot's seat and YiChen, Guanyan and Yanan were sat on the back—in order from right to left—. The man with his right hand bandaged started to complain since his ribs were still hurting.

—What's the matter? Are you in pain again? —Guanyan asked while grabbing his right arm.

—Uh, I'm fine.

—Eh, Ma YiChen. I'm curious... why you're helping Ming Tian and Sāi? —Yanan commented—. Didn't you like to bully him and say she was a little bitch? Why the sudden turnaround?

—Ming Tian told me that God probably put me in his life—XiaoMi frowned while Hao just stared at his front—... to force him to change himself. Actually, them both are the same to me. I've begun to change myself too. Sally made me promise on her birthday party not to disturb any of them four. So, when I overheard Wang ShiWei and Wu Ji's conversation... I told her since I thought I would be pestering them four if I didn't warn her.

Guanyan smiled slightly at YiChen's answer.

—YiChen—patted his right arm twice—, good job.

—YiChen—patted his right arm twice—, good job

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—Uh, my seat is more comfortable. You want to switch? —Yanan offered.

—Come on, do it—Guanyan said and them both tried, but YiChen got his chest a little more hurt in the process so they had to stop.

—Forget it—he complained.

Then they switched in a different way and Yanan accidentally fell on Guanyan's lap as YiChen sat on her former seat and the black haired man chuckled, showing his dimples as Yanan tried not to blush.

Then they switched in a different way and Yanan accidentally fell on Guanyan's lap as YiChen sat on her former seat and the black haired man chuckled, showing his dimples as Yanan tried not to blush

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Sally and Tian were running as all of the guards were chasing them, the brothers made their best to avoid them and all of the obstacles they had to face. After it all, they were inside a storage during all this time. The only girl even knocked some out just for winning time and make a distraction as Tian kicked one and threw some boxes to the men, but once he did and they were going to run again they found someone in front of them who pushed them, making the half brothers crushing with the guards.

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