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Tian was walking around the living, Zhu and Lang were already asleep while I was checking the last details of my homework, which was delayed because of the game's project stuff. Since I was inside our bedroom, I was just hearing him.

And I knew what he was thinking about.

—That guy doesn't even understand anything about combat sports—heard him thought to himself—. How could he be able to appreciate Senior Yu? How he dares to try pursuing Sally while trying to pursue Fang Yu? Why would she still pay attention to that type of person? The next time I see her, I'll warn her.

Some minutes later, I ended my homework and I saw him sighing while sitting on the table—literally on the table—since I went to the balcony that was connected to the bedroom.

Some minutes later, I ended my homework and I saw him sighing while sitting on the table—literally on the table—since I went to the balcony that was connected to the bedroom

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—But I'm nobody special for her. What right do I have to meddle?

I rolled my eyes before going downstairs, making sure the twins won't wake up.

That's what I ask myself all~ the time—I walked towards him and sat beside the brunette man—. Then I remember I mess in the things just for the people I love. Like when I meddle in your loving life. I mean, against XiaoMi's plans.

It's true, why you do it?

You already know it. For protecting you—I booped his nose—. And... You should know that if she went to that dinner was because of her grandfather.


Don't you remember when we were hired at that restaurant? The Chairmen were talking so much about Yu and ShiWei, like if them both were on a date while the Chairmen and Zhou were their chaperones. Like if they wanted them... to be together—I moved my left ring finger.

Tian's eyes widened.

So... It's that?

I nodded.

It's not because she wants it. As well as ShiWei is insisting so much, Yu can't do anything but paying attention. It's true, we have to warn her. And not because you are jealous but also because he wants to pursue me, Zhou also says I am interesting since the beginning. It just lacked that Shiwei gave me his number or asked me for mine—crossed my arms.

—It's true. We have to warn her. Tomorrow. Whenever we see her.

 Whenever we see her

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