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Li Sally's POV

After packing everything in that day I called Ming Tian, I made with Auntie Mei all the legal stuff we needed to do—or at least the ones we didn't do yet for then 'cause we already have our visa and the most important stuff—. She's not staying more than a week for Great Food, she'll just make sure I'll be living with Tian, Zhu and Lang as we expect.

We were at the airport, and Sadie was there with us to say goodbye. She was so sad so I hugged her before the green eyed one started to cry.

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much", she mumbled in my ear.

"Sadie!", scolded her in a whisper while I slapped her back slightly and snickered.

"I'm sorry", she sobbed as we pulled away. "I'm not seeing you anymore and I'm so sad for that."

"Hey. I can visit you and you can visit me too. We will talk in Skype and you can support me when I fight on the Zhengze League Tournament."

I smiled in a cute way, then she pointed at me.

"Sally Li Ramírez", she soothed, "I'm-!"

"The passengers of the flight to Macau, China, please go through the gate 42."

"Tell me everything you see and get through, okay? Everything", pointed at me with tearful eyes and I nodded.

She was crying.

"I swear it", raised my right hand with confidence, laughed and held her for the last time while I was hiding my tears. "Miss you too, Kami", my voice was almost broken.

"Sally-ah, let's go."

Auntie Mei grabbed my hand, I sent a friendly kiss to Sadie, who started to cry with me at the same time and I went with my tutor to our plane, then we saw our seats.

"Remember, don't use your mom's inheritance unless it's for an emergency, no matter how much cash she left to you", she demanded.

My grandparents have some technological enterprises, so my mom was already rich, but with her fights she left me even more money than what I thought when she died. I've never seen my mother's family again, I didn't even talk to them because they're so busy, and my dad's family...

... Yeah, I guess they know because dad ran away after killing my mom and I never saw him again. And also, according to detective Hopkins, he surely went back to China, so perhaps they actually do.

I don't know if Ming Tian knows, but since we're distant cousins and I didn't talk to dad's family again until when I called him, I don't think so.

"Yeah, the clandestine fights already gave me more than enough for the whole scholarship I have."

"Ah, almost forgot it. And also don't go to clandestine fights anymore."

"It's one of Zhengze's rules... I can't be in any street fight and neither start a fight, it would be considered as bullying. I basically can't fight outside Zhengze unless it's a tournament or I have to defense myself."

"Okay. At least they have basic rules for those situations, that's good."

"Yeah, and I already promised I'd do it just for that. After getting the scholarship, I just fought a little bit more for making sure I have the money, and now I have it. And I already promised to the police I wouldn't do that ever again."

"Even if you almost kill two fighters?"

"Those were two bad nights, and I almost died in there. The last fight I had... I'm not going to do that ever again, at least not illegally. I'm serious."

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