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Each time the prelims day was getting closer and closer. The closest it gets, the strongest everyone trains. As well as Tian didn't want to disappoint his siblings, who wished us good luck, he's also doing so damn well. Zhou even tried to cover me so I could train these two days which are left for the tournament, but I already told my grandparents and also to his grandpa, who wasn't so agree as my grandparents but anyways they talked with him so he let me fault the next three days since I worked the lot on the "Taosim Grandmaster" project.

 Zhou even tried to cover me so I could train these two days which are left for the tournament, but I already told my grandparents and also to his grandpa, who wasn't so agree as my grandparents but anyways they talked with him so he let me fault ...

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I also heard that Yu was learning how to cook Hao Ma's Chow Mein thanks to Sun Hao, who was practically her teacher for the last days, so she suddenly invited Yanan and I to eat it after training. This is the second time I try Yu's food and the third time I go to Yanan's house. Yu served us one plate for everyone but herself.

 Yu served us one plate for everyone but herself

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—Try it.

Yanan looked at Yu doubtfully.

—Should I do it? —asked, trying to hide her fear and Yu and I nodded.

—If Sun Hao taught her, I guess he made sure that she did it well—I commented so Yu nodded with a smile.

—Fang Yu, I've always had a sensitive stomach—Yanan smiled, looking for an excuse for not eating it.

I chuckled and Yu also smiled, then she got from her bag a bottle of pills for stomach relieving. I laughed so loud when I saw it and also noticed that Yanan's eyes widened and stared at the medication.

 I laughed so loud when I saw it and also noticed that Yanan's eyes widened and stared at the medication

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