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A/N: One chapter left 👁
By the way, one of my friends from the city I used to live in Spain sent me this photo:

I didn't know this book has the #2 with Song XiaoMi's hashtag lol


No One's POV

At the next day, Fang Yu was going upstairs. She was actually heading to the cementary to visit Uncle Ji's grave, with Li Sally and Ming Tian. Fang Zhou decided not to go since he thought of something more important, like for example, talking to his grandpa about not messing again with his girlfriend's brother. Once his sister said goodbye to the eldest member of the family and also saluted him before leaving, Zhou went towards the white haired man, who was checking his phone until he arrived.


—What is it? —he asked after sighing

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—What is it? —he asked after sighing.

—You should know that Sis is going out to visit Uncle Ji's grave. I heard... Ming Tian and Sāi are going as well.

—Just get to the point, Fang Zhou. Don't beat around the bush with me.

The youngest man sighed.

—Grandpa, as you saw... While Ming Tian and SāiLí were in a coma, Sis looked after them with great care, specially after him—he explained while watching his grandpa drink a cup of tea—. It's clear that Sis still likes Ming Tian.

The man in a green shirt looked at him.

—So what?

—So, if Sis changed her mind and doesn't want to go abroad, Grandpa... Please don't force her.

—Mmm, that's reasonable. If she doesn't want to go, what use would forcing her do?

He shrugged and Zhou nodded with a little smile. But what he didn't know was a little fact.

 But what he didn't know was a little fact

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