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Alexia's POV.

I smiled thoughtfully to myself as I stared at my friends.

I never thought I'd meet people who would mean so much to me, I don't know how I would have survived everything if they weren't by my side.

Liv glanced at me and squeezed my hand reassuringly, I smiled at her and looked up to meet Kayden's gaze, he winked, I grinned.

It's amazing how fast high school went by, I won't miss it but I'll miss these guys.

''What are you thinking about?'' Luke asked quietly and I shrug.

''Nothing, I'll just miss you guys.''

Luke and Liv had discussed with their parents about their plan to take a gap year and travel the world.

It wasn't easy to convince them but both parents agreed and in a week, they're going on an 'adventure'.

I told them I hope Luke doesn't knock Liv up and they both laughed like I was joking.

I wasn't.

Kathryn had gotten into Columbia university, same with Connor.

Turns out Connor had applied to that uni just because Kathryn did, but well..that was before things went..yunno.

Connor decided to still go there anyway, says he could care less.


And Kayden.. He got scouted to play for NYU.


I decided not to go to college... All I wanted was to get away from Maria, and now that things are kinda okay at the moment..I realised, I'm not cut out for college.

I think I'm going to open my own restaurant.. But I had no savings so, I have to work really hard for a year or two maybe, before I can achieve that.

I haven't told Kayden by the way. He'll be okay.

I let out a deep sigh as I sat up straighter while student's names were called to receive their diploma.

Cheers to a new life.


It was over, pictures had been taken, hugs and smiles had been shared, caps had been thrown, and now everyone was just hanging around with their families and making memories.

I was standing alone, Kayden's mum had pulled me in with Kayden, we took pictures together but after that..I felt out of place and I just... walked away.

I heard my name and I looked up to see Asher waving at me, I gave him a smile and he continued his discussion with Liv and her parents.

I was prepared to just leave the premises then I felt someone poke me, I looked down to see a kid of about four years old and I crouched to his level.

''Where's your mummy cutie?'' I say as I ruffled his hair, an annoyed look crossed his face before he pushed my hand off his hair and I leaned back.

Maybe he's not a cutie then.

''A lady asked me to give this to you'' he mumbled and I noticed he was holding a piece of paper.

''Who?'' I ask and he turned round to point at someone who had a scarf wrapped around her hair.

The moment her eyes met mine, my eyes widened in realization and I gasped.


She immediately turned and rushed off before I could even get to my feet.

I bit my lip thoughtfully as I considered chasing after her. But before I would be able to push through these people, she would have been long gone.

I sighed as I felt an impatient tug on my sleeve.

''Oh sorry, thank you....?''


''Thank you Brian'' I smiled and he immediately rushed off after handing the note to me.

I'm sorry.

That was all the note said, I chuckled bitterly, tearing the note to pieces.

This is useless if she can't even face me.

At least she's alive, I thought James had done something to her.

''Boo'' someone whispered in my ear and I turned my head to see Kayden, I smiled as I leaned against him.

''Hey'' I said softly.

''If it isn't the lovebirds'' Luke said as he appeared hand in hand with Liv.

I rolled my eyes, shoving him ''you really are not in the best position to call us that.''

''Kayden!'' Kathryn yelled running up to us and she punched Kayden in the arm. ''What the hell! How could you leave me all alone with them? I nearly suffocated.''

''I don't have to tell you anything''. Kayden grumbled rubbing his arm.

''What's up dorks?'' Connor grinned, ruffling Kayden's hair in the process.

''Dude what the hell?'' Kayden groaned, shoving him away from him and a play fight immediately started.

The rest of us laughed while people stared at us.

I hugged myself, staring at each of them.

I'm glad I met them.

I don't know what the future holds for us but if I have them by my side...I'll be okay.

Kayden caught my gaze and winked at me, I grinned as I winked right back.



Finally, its all over, I completed my first ever book on wattpad, even though personally I feel like it could have been better.
Thanks to everyone who voted and commented at some point, I really appreciate it, and while I might not really like this story, I'm excited about the next ones I'm going to write, I have them all mapped out already😄.
Please follow me or don't delete this book from your library so you'll know when I post the new stories.
Once again thank you beautiful people.

Happy new year🙂💫

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