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Kayden's POV

"Hey dude, where's your phone?" Connor asked.

"In my pocket, why?" I asked warily.

Last time I gave him my phone, he lied about wanting to call his mum but instead he used my phone to text some bimbo asking for nudes, and since the girl thought I was the one texting her, she immediately sent it.

Meeting her in the hallway the next day at school wasn't funny though.

"Oh, you know, just have to call my sis." he replied innocently.

"I- you don't even have a sister, you dumbo." I answered, throwing my jacket on his face and he fell over laughing.

I shook my head at him as I dropped into the couch near Austin's feet.

"So that...Alexia girl is your new target?" Austin asked, nudging me with his foot.

"She's kinda cute though. The only problem is her always looking like she wants to kill you in your sleep." Connor said, shivering dramatically.

"She's not my....target or anything,'' I ran a hand over my mouth. "We're just partners.''

"Doesn't look that way to me." Austin said, shrugging. ''We all witnessed the wink fest you had going on, this afternoon.''

"I literally wink at every-  Just shut up." I said, throwing my bag at him.

"Are yo- dude are you blushing?" Connor asked, open mouthed.

To be honest... I never really noticed Alexia before. It all started that one class in seventh grade. Then I started noticing that brown haired girl who was always wearing a hoodie...shooting everyone death glares, that girl who was always seated alone at the back.

When I saw her in that supermarket, I recognized her instantly...of course I knew her name- I mean, come on- but I had to fake it because I didn't want her to feel weirded out.

That wasn't one of my best decisions. Only thing that accomplished was giving her yet another reason to hate me for.

I just felt like that would have been creepy as hell. Our paths have never crossed, we've never interacted or anything- before that day- how would I have explained how I got to know her name?

She might not have thought much of it, but I did.

Now I got to find out she hates me for no reason. Yay.

I just feel bad for her. She's treated like some sorta outcast at school and that's not cool.

Yeah.. Pity, that's what it is. If that explains my weird attraction to her then, I could work with that.


"Of course not." I muttered, switching on the Tv to a football game. Perfect distraction. I was done with this conversation.

Not surprisingly, we all got caught up in the game and we were a bit startled when we heard a knock on my door.

"Who's there?" I asked, my gaze not straying from the Tv.

"Uhh, I've got a package for a Mr..Dickface?" An overly familiar voice answered from the other side of the door.

The three of us stared at each other in shock, recognition lighting up our faces.

"No way." Connor said before jumping to his feet as he yanked the door open to reveal none other than my twin sister Kathryn.

"Sup, bitches." she said, chewing on a piece of gum.

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