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Alexia's POV

I haven't seen her in- well, ages.

The infamous twin.

She's back.

And, what the hell is with both of them and blonde hair anyway?

Kathryn Hart got into a lot of trouble starting from a young age- and trust me when I say she was feared- our paths crossed only once when she mistakenly slammed a locker door on my nose during one of her pranks, of course she wasn't sorry, but damn did that shit hurt.

I always wondered where she disappeared to and I was damn sure I wasn't the only one. Even though I always acted like I didn't give a fuck and all, deep down I was scared of her. Back then, if she targets you, you were IT till she found a new victim.

"Hi, guys." she smirked, giving a tiny wave.

Everyone, except the new students who didn't know what was going on, stared at her in shock.

"Okay, now that that's over with, let's start today's teaching."

I lost interest immediately I heard that. I wasn't a huge fan of chemistry and I could see that i wasn't the only one. I glanced off to the side to see Kathryn cleaning her nails, her gaze flicking towards the window every now and then.

Before I could look away, her gaze caught mine and she cocked her head questioningly then she winked before resuming what she was doing.

I rolled my eyes at that.

It took forever before the class came to an end and I was one of the first to get out of class when it finally did. I headed towards my locker as usual and Luke caught up with me there.

"Alexia, who is Kathryn? The whole school has been buzzing about her all day." he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She was the prank Queen of this school. Is..was..I don't know. Depends on if she's still the same." I answered, shrugging as we moved towards the cafeteria.

"Ah...I see." he nodded slowly, clutching his bag straps tight.

We waited in line and immediately moved when we collected our portions.

Spotting an empty table, we both sat down. I dug in immediately. I was freaking starving.

We were both eating silently till someone who I soon found out to be Kathryn, dumped her bag hard on the table, causing Luke's fries to fly off his plate and my fork to fall on my lap.

She shot her eyebrows up innocently, slipping into the spot next to me and throwing food in her mouth like she didn't do anything.

"Dude." I scoffed in disbelief, feeling my anger grow.

"Wah?" She glanced up, her mouth full of food.

I could feel Luke nudging me with his foot, signalling for me to calm down.

Before I could utter a word, Kayden and his friends, tray in hand, stopped in front of our table and they looked surprised to see Kathryn seated there.

"There you are, we searched all over for you." said Connor.

She rolled her eyes and patted the seat beside her telling him to sit, which he did after giving her a smile.

One by one, they all sat down without saying anything and I was mortified.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Don't you guys have like a 'popular table' or something?" I asked, air quoting my words.

"I'm pretty sure we can sit anywhere we want to." Kathryn answered, munching on her burger.

"Relax and just eat."  Austin said, glancing at me.

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