Epilogue (Jonah)

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I stared at her from afar as I rocked back and forth on my feet.

I contemplated walking over but I didn't want to ruin such a special day for her, it would just get all awkward.

I sighed and started to walk away when I saw a familiar face.

''Maria?..'' I called out tentatively and her head sharply turned to face me.

''Jonah?..what are you-'' then she stopped abruptly and looked around frantically.. Probably thinking my Dad was lurking around somewhere.

''He's not here'' I said, tucking my hands in my front pockets.

''Oh'' she let out and her shoulders sagged in relief.

''I take it you don't know he's in jail?.''

She didn't respond and instead started walking away from me.

''Wait!'' I called out and she stopped without turning to face me.

''Shouldn't you speak to Alexia?.''

''I have nothing to say to her'' she said softly and I scoffed in disbelief.

''So you prefer things to be left this way between you two?'' I asked, moving closer to her.

She started to walk away again.

''Where the hell are you going anyway?!'' I yelled after her.

''Somewhere far away'' she said and then disappeared round the corner.

I ran a hand down my tired face and I flinched as my hand grazed my bruised lip.

It's pointless chasing after her, her mind was made up already.

I continued down the street with nowhere in mind.

I was lost in thought.

I'm so stupid.. So stupid for ever thinking Alexia could love me.

I don't even love myself.

She's better off with that asshole, he's not a danger to her like I am.

If only I could just-

I blinked as I was brought out of my thoughts by someone bumping into me and falling to the ground.

She let out a groan as she clutched her lower back and I stared at her with a blank look on my face.

She was a light skinned black.

Her hair was done in braids and they were left down to flow freely down her back.

She was currently looking up at me with a scowl on her face and I raised my eyebrow at her questioningly.

''What the fuck dude?'' She said, getting to her feet and dusting her behind.

I didn't respond.

''The least you could do after acting like a blind rat was to help me up, and you're standing over there like you didn't do a goddamned thing'' she said, glaring up at me.

She had an accent...An African accent?.It wasn't thick, just the type that made her pronounce words the way they were spelt.

She said 'there' like 'deer'

And 'thing' like 'tin'.

''Well that's because I did nothing wrong'' I shrugged. ''You bumped into me.''

''You know what, fuck you, I have somewhere important to be'' she said, shaking her head at me and stomping off.

I turned to watch her almost turn the corner and then she stopped and turned to face me only to flip me off.

My lips curled up in a smile as I glanced around in disbelief.

Well fuck me, she has quite the temper.


The kind of thing I need these days.

A spinoff on them has been posted, check my profile!.

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