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Alexia's POV

"Can I help you?" He asked, looking down his nose at me.

"Uh yeah, I'm here to see Kayden." I repeated, shifting my weight from one leg to the other.

"Does he know you're coming?"

"What, you need a freaking appointment before you can see him?" I scoffed.

He raised an eyebrow at me pointedly. I forced a smile as i answered.

"Yes, he knows I'm coming."

"Fair enough." he said, moving sideways so I could enter.

I walked in and stopped in the middle of the room. The interior decorations....it felt like I was in a museum, paintings were everywhere.

I swept an appreciative glance over them and i barely heard the butler say he was going to get Kayden.

"Wow," I breathed out in awe. It felt like I had been standing in a spot for hours. That was how entranced I was.

"Beautiful, aren't they?"

I shot a startled glance over my shoulder, only to see Kayden looking amused. I regained my composure and nodded shortly at him. I returned my attention to the paintings and stiffened when I felt his presence behind me.

"My mother," He started. "She loves them. I guess you can say she collects paintings. She brings home new ones anytime she goes on a trip. She calls them her babies." he finished, chuckling.

"They're beautiful." I said with a slight smile, glancing briefly at him.

"Yeah.'' He slipped his hands into his pockets. ''So uh, let's go upstairs?"

"Okay." I replied.

He led the way and I followed silently behind him. We turned a corner and I stopped, staring at the doors stretching towards the end of the corridor.

"How many rooms?" I asked curiously.

"10." he answered nonchalantly.

He must have seen the expression on my face because he immediately started explaining.

"My dad tends to have visitors a lot, and most times they all decide to sleep over. So that explains the extra rooms. They're mostly unused though." he said, opening one of the doors by his left.

I entered after him and shut the door behind me wordlessly. This was his room. I ran my eye over the place, taking it in.

His bed was a king sized one and the top of his bed was in the shape of a goalpost, he had a shelf that was filled with trophies and medals.

I spotted a huge TV, beanbags and a reading table.

"Your room is pretty neat for a boy." I said, dropping my bag near the bed. "No offence."

"Hygiene has nothing to do with gender, Alexia. Neither does cleanliness or whatever you might call it." he shot me an amused glance, taking off his jacket. "No offence."

Should have expected that.

"Okay." I conceeded, my lips curling up slightly. "Where does those doors lead to?"

He glanced at the three doors that were near each other."One leads to my bathroom, that one's my gym and..."

I blinked when he stopped to stare at me."What?"

Why did he stop? What's behind the last door?

"It's uh..my closet. A walk-in closet." He folded his lips awkwardly like I was going to judge him for having one.

STITCHES(Completed✔) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now