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Alexia's POV
Two hours later

Liv, Luke and I were currently seated in the cafeteria, and I was panicking inwardly.

"So..what you're saying is Kayden asked you out on a date and you have absolutely no idea what to do?" Liv asked, holding her fork to her mouth.

"Yeah." I sighed, throwing my head backwards. "Shit's giving me a headache."

"This is so funny." Luke chuckled.

"No, it isn't." I said, glaring at him.

"Okay okay." he said, raising his hands up in surrender. "It's just... you could have easily turned him down. But you didn't. Just saying."

"Shut it." I replied lamely.

"Well, it's okay. I can lend you a dress and do your makeup....that would be okay right?" Liv offered.

"I wouldn't want to impose...." I started.

"It's fine, I'm the one offering." she cut in.

"Thank you." I said, smiling slightly at her.

"No problem, so what's your address?" She asked, chewing on her salad.

"How about I come over to your house? I mean, everything we need is at your house and all." I suggested.

I didn't miss the way Luke was staring at me thoughtfully. He was probably wondering why I didn't like having people over.

I sighed.

"Oh okay. So, will you come over immediately after school?" Liv asked expectantly.

"Why?" I blinked. "He isn't coming till like seven. Or eight. Or nine? I don't even know when he's coming. All he said was tonight, that means tonight right?"

"Relax, all you gotta do is ask him. And besides I'm pretty sure it's around seven-ish." Liv reassured me.

"T-totally knew you were gonna like him." Luke said, fist bumping Liv.

"What? No." I scoffed. "I'm panicking because it's my first date not because I like Kayden, come on." I replied, looking disgusted.

"You'll see."

"Alexia, don't look but Kayden and his friends are coming over." Liv whispered.

Oh God.

I stiffened in my seat when i felt their presence behind me.

"Are we welcome?" Austin asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Yeah, sure." Liv replied eagerly.

"Where's Kathryn?" Luke asked, looking behind them.

"She's home sick." Kayden answered, sitting next to me.

"Oh okay."

"So, what did we miss?" Connor asked, like we were all best buds or something.

"Why are you guys here?" An annoying voice said from behind me.

Without turning around, I immediately knew who it was.

Kayden sighed before turning round to face her.

"What do you want Audrey?" Kayden asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Answer my question first." she said, looking at us distastefully.

"We're eating." Connor blinked dramatically. "Obviously."

"All I want to know is why you're here, sitting with these things when our table is over there." she said, clicking her tongue at us.

"Things?" I scoffed, finally speaking up.

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