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Alexia's POV

"Don't say anything!" Liv squealed, squishing my mouth into an ugly duck face.  "I already get teased enough by Asher."

I slapped her hand away from my mouth with a snort.

"Okay fine," I held my hands up. "I will gladly ignore them."

We both settled on her bed and she started to bounce up and down excitedly.

"Should we start picking out dresses now?" She said eagerly. I glanced at her awkwardly then gave a noncommittal shrug.

She made it sound like we were shopping, instead of just taking one out of her closet.

"Yeah, sure." I replied just in case, since it looked like she was still waiting for a response.

"Cool!" She said, rushing to her closet and she immediately started throwing out dresses.

"Why are you so excited?" I asked, grimacing when a shirt landed on my face.

"I like the idea of making someone look good, and besides, I don't go on dates." She shrugged.

"You sure have a lot of dresses for someone who doesn't go on dates." I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" She yelled from inside the closet.


"Okay, how about this one?" She asked, reappearing with a frilly white dress.

I stared at her silently, waiting for her to say SIKE or something, but she didn't. She was serious about me trying out this ugly assed dress.

I didn't have enough money to dress how I wanted but I wasn't blind. Thank God.

"Wh- of course not!"

"Totally understandable." She threw it over her shoulder then grabbed another one. "This?"

"Too... fluffy."

"This one?"

"Too red."

"What do you think?"

"What even is this, a wedding dress?" I groaned.


"Too short."

"Okay, this isn't working." she said, glaring at me.

"Look, I'm not really a fan of dresses okay?" I said apologetically. "Besides, must I wear a dress?"

"Yeah, w-well.." She started to say something then sighed. "I don't know man, isn't that what they wear in movies? Told you I haven't been on a date before."

"This is hopeless." I sighed, massaging my brows.

"No. Wait a sec." She said, going into the closet again.

She walked out holding a black crop top and high waisted jeans. I sat up in surprise.


"So, what do you think?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I could rock that." I smiled.

"Cool. Go ahead and try it out then!"

She handed them over to me and pointed out her bathroom.

"Hey Liv?" I called, turning back to face her.

"Yeah?" She answered in the process of picking up the clothes that were strewn all over.

"Thanks." I said, massaging the back of my neck awkwardly. "I really appreciate this."

"It's no biggie." She waved me off with a smile. "You're welcome."

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