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Alexia's POV

Liv found it hard to believe I had never seen frozen, because in her words,

"Who the heck hasn't seen frozen?!"

Frozen was actually nice. I was currently humming "Let it go." The song was pretty catchy.

"Liv!" Asher yelled from downstairs.

"What?!" Liv yelled right back and I winced.

"There's some dude at the front door here to see you!"

I glanced at the time to see it was 7pm already. Time goes by so fast when you're having fun.

"Oh, he says he's here for Alexia!"

"Coming!" We both yelled.

I readjusted the jacket and picked up my bag from the floor, groaning at the extra weight.

"Liv, you should have just let me go home first." I complained. "Now, I have to carry this dumb bag on this stupid date."

"You can drop it here and I'll bring it to school tomorrow." She offered.

"Today's Friday, Liv."


"Never mind," I sighed. "It's not that heavy."

We went out the door and walked downstairs, and like a cheesy film scene, Kayden stood at the foot of the stairs and watched me walk down.

His look went from disbelief to shock and finally to awe. The only thing missing was the stupid slow motion stuff.

Okay Alexia, chill. Why does he look so surprised though? I didn't think I looked that bad before the makeover.

Kayden was wearing a blue shirt that brought out the colour of his eyes. The sleeves were rolled up stylishly and it actually looked hot. He was also wearing denim jeans. His blonde hair was in messy waves, it looked like he had been running his hand through it.

As always, of course.

I was glad I decided not to wear a dress, we were both casual and that was a relief.

"Alexia. Hey." He greeted, helping me down the stairs.

Not like i was wearing heels, but okay.

"Hey," I replied, pushing a stray curl back in place.

"Woah," Asher blinked. "You look so different from the girl who walked in this afte- oomph." He let out a grunt as Liv jabbed him in the ribs.

"You look beautiful." Kayden whispered to me, casting an appreciative glance over me.

"Thanks.." I cleared my throat. "You, uh, you don't look too bad either."

Jesus Christ, really? That's all you could come up with, Alexia?

"Thanks. I guess." His lips curled up in amusement. "Ready?"

I nodded, hesitantly placing my hand in the one he held out.

"Bye, Alexia!" Liv called out.

"Good night Liv." I replied, waving at Asher in the process.

The night air was a bit chilly and I was glad Liv gave me a jacket.

Kayden opened the car door for me and i got in as he shut the door and went over to the driver's side.

I fastened my seatbelt and he did the same, turning on the ignition. He backed out of the driveway and we fell into an awkward silence.

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