Epilogue (Connor)

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A week later

A week since graduation and I had been busy wrapping things up and packing my bags.

I leave for college tomorrow.

Luke and Liv had left two days ago and we already miss them.

I hope they find the thrill they seek.

I sighed as I got to my feet and stretched. I walked over to my full length mirror, taking my shirt off and running my gaze down my body in satisfaction.

Football training paid off after all.

I hummed to myself, picking up my phone as i walked downstairs.

Mum was at work and the house felt empty.

I'm so bored.

I settled on the couch and turned on the TV, then I got interrupted by the chime of the doorbell.

I glanced at the door as I got to my feet, running a hand through my hair,I yanked the door open.

The hand in my hair froze as I stared at the person on the doorstep.

Her eyes darted down briefly and she blushed, I remembered I was topless and cleared my throat.

''What are you doing here?'' I ask, staring at her.

She avoided my gaze as she responded.

''We need to talk.''

A spinoff on them has been posted, check my profile!.

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