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Alexia's POV

"So...the book you all are going to read is actually one of my all time favourites. Pride and prejudice. I'm expecting different reviews, different opinions- just don't make me regret giving you this as your project." she continued.

That's actually a stupid project if you ask me. I'm sure that day's going to be boring as hell, all of us coming out to talk about the same book, really?

Massaging my brows, I let out a huge sigh. Everything is freaking annoying.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my side and I immediately let out a loud  'ow.'

I felt color rise to my cheeks as the whole class including the Teacher turned to face me. She raised a questioning eyebrow at me and quite unlike me I actually stuttered.

"I-i uh..I m-mean I stubbed my toe?" I stuttered, letting the end rise in a questioning tone to my dismay.

She looked at me weirdly while I could hear snickers coming from the rest of the class and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Roll them deep enough and maybe you'll find a brain in there." Audrey hollered, earning her high fives from her minions.

"Since you've 'obviously' got one why don't you put it to use more often?" I retorted, cocking my head to the side.

The class let out 'oohs' and 'woahs.'

Her face turned red with fury but before she could say a word , the teacher silenced us with a sharp "enough."

"I expect your presentations to be ready by next week."

They all groaned but before she could chide them, we heard the sound of the bell.

As they all filed out, I picked up my textbook and turning sharply to my left, I smacked Kayden on the back with it, hard if I might add.

"Fuck-What did you do that for?"He said, getting to his feet.

"I should be asking you that. Why the hell did you poke me that hard?" I accused.

"In my defence, I didn't think it'd hurt." He shrugged and I stared at him in disbelief.

''Oh, right, like that automatically makes it better.''

"Uh..is everything okay?" Luke asked tentatively.

"You know, just Kayden being his usual dumb self." I said, before resuming the stare down I had going on with Kayden.

"Grow up." He scoffed. ''It's not that deep.''

Luke snickered as he walked off. ''That's what she said.''


Picking up my textbooks, I shot Kayden one last glare as I exited the class to see Luke waiting outside.

"You're done?" He asked with a smirk on his face and I gave him the stink eye.

"Shut up." I mumbled and headed for my locker with Luke following me closely.

As I put in the locker combination, I heard someone calling my name and without looking back I knew it was Kayden.

I shut my locker and started to walk briskly towards math class while Luke let out a sigh.

I stopped by the door and Luke came to a stop beside me, glaring at me.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head at me.

''Why do I even bother?'' He muttered before walking into class.

Kayden came to a stop in front of me and he looked angry.

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