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Alexia's POV

Even though I protested, Kayden ended up dropping me off directly in front of my house. He offered to walk me to the door but I refused and he left after kissing me on the cheek and making sure I got in safely.

I was currently clutching my teddy bear tightly and standing awkwardly at the entrance. I could hear voices but they were faint.

I turned the corner to see Jonah and his dad.

Fucking hell.

Don't they ever leave?

I rolled my eyes as I walked past them, not saying a word to either of them as I walked up the stairs to my room.

As usual, I didn't see mother anywhere in sight. I sighed and walked into my room, locking it behind me.

After changing into an old t-shirt, I bounced on the bed and sniffed the teddy bear hard.


I bit my lip in thought as I giggled.

Dude, I giggled.

He's so sweet though. Taking me to the amusement park and being so patient with me.

You know what?

I'm done fighting it. I'm just gonna let it happen either way.

I picked up my phone and sent him a text.

Me: hey..you home yet?

Kayden: yeah... you?

Me: look who's got jokes.

Kayden: I should go into standup actually.

I grinned as I prepared to reply but then my phone started to ring and I saw it was an incoming call from Kayden.

I picked up and held the phone to my ear, sitting up.

"Lexia?" His deep voice rumbled from the other side of the phone.

"Don't call me-" I started to snap then paused.

Damn it, Alexia.

"What?" He asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah..never mind. Are you in bed already?" I asked, sliding under the covers.

"Of course not, it's just nine pm." He chuckled.

"Well, it's late enough for me." I mumbled.

"Okay, granny."

"Oh, shut up." I said and he laughed.

"So.." He started. "Tomorrow is the football game. You're still gonna come, right?"

A football game?

Damn it. If I say no, he's gonna think I still don't like him or something. But I don't feel like attending a stupid football game.

I don't even know anything about football.

"You there?" He called out.

"Yeah uh, sure, I'll be there." I cleared my throat.

"Really? I don't wanna impose if it's too much." He asked.

"Nah, it's cool." I shrugged even though he couldn't see me.

"Awesome. Do you wanna wear my number?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"What's that?" I blinked.

"You really don't know a thing about football, do you?" He tutted.

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