Bonus Chapter

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Kayden's POV

''What do you think?'' Alexia asked as she twirled round in her new dress.

Fuck me.

''Not now Kayden'' She laughed.

I didn't realise I said that out loud.

''It''' I breathe out as I stared at how the short dress fit snugly around her body in the right places.

''I don't feel like going to a frat party though'' she groans and I walked up behind her, unable to resist the temptation of not touching her.

''You don't feel like going to any party'' I correct, nuzzling against her neck as she leaned back against me.

''Yeah maybe because I'm not a student there'' she says pointedly.

''You don't need to be a student to attend an NYU party..besides, you're their beloved footballer's girl, who dares say anything?'' I grin, sliding my hands up to under her breasts.

I reach up to fondle one and she slaps my hand away.

I groaned as she pulled away from me.

''Come on'' I groaned ''we have enough time.''

''No we don't'' she said over her shoulder as she slipped on her heels.

''Well how do you expect me to resist you looking like..that.''

''Who knows'' she glanced at me ''I might have a surprise for you later tonight'' she winks at the end.

''That's still so far away'' I pout and the sound of her laughter echoed as she walked up out of the room we shared.

Almost a year since we left home.

Almost a year of us being together.

Almost a year of us simply

Looking back, I always wonder how I was able to survive without her in my life because it felt like she has been with me since forever.

The times we shared, I wouldn't trade them for anything.

It wasn't easy when we first moved in together, she kept having nightmares..sometimes she'd even distance herself from me, it felt like we were both going crazy.

Then she'd cry and blame herself when it started to affect my game on the field, and then the cycle would start all over again.

It went on until she took her boss's advice to see a therapist, she agreed and I was with her every step of the way.

And for months now, she has been better than ever, keeping those emotions bottled up only did more harm than good.

Against my better judgement, she started working at a restaurant almost immediately after we moved here, everyone loved her and in the space of 6 months, she got promoted as the manager.

Even though I kept telling her I could help set up her own restaurant and she won't need to pay me back, she refused, I even went as far as saying I'd borrow her the money instead of giving her but she knew I was lying so she refused.

She's hell bent on doing it her own way and she's almost there.

I'm so proud of her.

My fucking angel.

I got snapped out of my reverie when she walked back into the room looking happier than ever.

''What are you thinking of?'' She asked, smiling at me and I grinned at the sparkle in her eyes.

''Just us.''

''Us?'' She asks, sliding over to me and sitting in my lap.

I wrap my hands around her and smile up at her.

''Nothing dirty I promise'' I grinned cheekily and she scoffed.

''When aren't you always thinking about dirty things?'' She shook her head and I laugh.

''No seriously.. I'm just thinking about how much I love you'' I say softly.

Her gaze turned soft and she pulled me in for a kiss.

''I love you so much'' she replied and hugs me to her chest.

''Alexia?'' I call.

She hums in response.

''I'm going to marry you someday.''

She pulled away to look at me and I smiled when I saw the red coating her cheeks.

''You can't just say something like that out of the blue'' she says while blushing and I shrug.

''But it's the truth.''

''You don't know that'' she mumbled, looking away.

She has no idea how much she makes me happy.

I'll fight whoever and whatever to keep her in my life.

I grab her chin, turning her to look into my eyes.

''I fucking know that'' I say lowly ''you're it for me and don't you forget that.''

She nods and I kiss her hard letting her know just how I felt.

I pulled away as I took in the fact that we were late.

'Let's go'' I grinned and she got up from my lap.

''I'll meet you outside'' she said, going into the bathroom for God knows what.

I thought she was ready.

I shake my head, smiling softly.


I wait outside the bathroom door instead and check the time yet again.

It's been five minutes.

I moved to the bedroom door as I call her name.

''I'm coming!'' She yells.

''But it's not even in yet!'' I retort cheekily and she opened the bathroom door to throw a toothbrush at me with burning cheeks.

I laughed as I ran out of the room.

After all this time and yet she's still shy.

My fucking Minx.

Here's to 186k reads!! Thank you!

P.S Connor's book has been posted! I hope you happy now😂❤

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