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Alexia's POV.

I had spent four days in the hospital, there had been a lot of crying (mostly from Liv and I), Apologies(Me to Kayden) and lot of other tiring stuff.

The doctor had said I'd be discharged tomorrow and told me not to stress myself or lift heavy stuff, you know... Same old thing.

The police had come here to ask questions and I answered them as best as I could, I told them everything.. How I met James..the rape attempt.. Stealing of my money..every.single.thing.

I was just fed up you know?, I thought.. If I let him off easy..he's bound to come back and ruin my life in the future, I don't want that. Now I don't know how many years he'll be facing when he gets charged, but it should be enough for me to get my life back on track away from all these BS.

They told me he said he doesn't know mother's whereabouts and I told them I didn't know too but all I knew was they left together.

I didn't tell them anything about her abusing me..I think deep down, I always tried to give her benefit of the doubt, I always wondered why she hated me that much.


That was what reminded me of the diary I found. I told Kayden before he left to bring it along with him and now Kayden was asleep with his head in my lap while I was sitting up in the hospital bed, preparing to start reading.

I took in a deep breath as I finally turned the first page to see faded handwriting, I found it hard to read and I continued turning the pages till I could see the writing clearly.

June 4 1990(Lucy's 20th birthday).

Like I wrote up there, today is Lucy's birthday, the big 20 she has been waiting for. She had been talking about how she was going to finally let loose, get drunk, get laid, you know, the usual.

She was the pretty and confident one between us two, people loved her and I was just the same old..plain Jane. I envied her a lot,guys never spared me a glance whenever I was with her and it was cool because I never liked any of them... Until today.

She wanted to go to this club to celebrate her birthday, she said ''just us two, that'd do, I don't want to throw a party like everyone wants me to, I only need you''. I was feeling elated and important when I heard that , I was actually looking forward to going to the stupid club because for like the first time ever she hinted that she might consider me her best friend instead of her sidekick like people always called me whenever they thought I wasn't listening.

We got into the club and immediately we got in, I felt goosebumps all around me when my eyes met clear blue ones, he was the cutest thing ever, I immediately told Lucy I had seen someone I'd like to talk to and she stared at him when I pointed him out and went ''just the thing you'd go for, boring'' she scoffed and continued her search for whatever she was looking for. I didn't let that stop me, I walked over to him and learnt that his name was Aaron, we talked and I was starting to really like him, all of a sudden he stopped talking and stared open mouthed at something behind me.


Like every fucking guy, he was awestruck when he saw her, he fucking acted like no one was talking to him and just pushed me aside as he walked towards Lucy.

I was hurt.

Hurt that Lucy didn't even look at me once.

Hurt that while Aaron had just been giving me a polite look all this while, he was laughing and Lucy was leaning into him seductively.

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