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Alexia's POV.

I got home and sighed when I saw Mother and James clustered together smoking blunt and sniffing something.

The whole place was filled with smoke and I coughed as tears came to my eyes.

"Get the fuck outta here if you're gonna continue coughing like a pussy." Mother snarled.

Don't mind if I do.

Did she actually think I was planning on staying? Fucking bitch.

I rolled my eyes at her, thankful she couldn't see me in the dim light. I wasn't in the mood for a beating tonight.

I walked up the stairs, my eyes following the cracked painting as I entered my room, this time making sure I locked the door properly behind me.

I dropped my bag on my bed and got out of my clothes,changing into a large T-shirt.

Now that I actually had friends, I felt...lonely. When I had nobody I was used to staying in my room alone, but now I was bored outta my mind.

My phone vibrated in that instant and I picked it up eagerly, it was a message from Liv, I sighed and opened it.

From Liv
U okay?

Me: kinda

Liv: what happened?

Me: yeah..our discussion didn't go that well.

Liv: No shit Sherlock.

I chuckled, grateful for the distraction.

Me: Oh shut up.

Liv: I'm pretty sure you were responsible for the 'talk' ending in disaster.

Me: don't blame me for speaking up😑

Liv: you are one unique girl Alexia.

Me: I know😏

A new message popped up and I froze when I saw that it was from Kayden... I thought he was mad at me.

Me: uh Liv? We'll text later, Kayden just sent me a text.

Liv: Shut up!! go go go!!

Tsk, so dramatic. I clicked on Kayden's message and I saw a simple 'hey'.

Hm. Okay...

To Kayden

Kayden: u home yet?

Me:yeah why?

Kayden: just asking.

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