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James's POV

I stared cautiously at my surroundings as I pocketed the package and handed the guy my cash.

He immediately turned to walk away and I tutted at his stupid ass.



You know..the thing is..I'm greedy.

I like to eat my cake and have it.

I want to keep my money AND the package, its just my luck that an amateur was sent to deliver.

I grinned as I touched my pocket to confirm that my gun was right where I put it and I tried not to look suspicious as I ran my gaze over the drunk idiots to be sure no one was paying me special attention.

I smirked in contentment as I followed the guy silently.

I already had plans for the money I just gave you and I intend to get it back......and if a little blood has to be shed.. Well then I'm definitely not complaining.


Alexia's POV

I took in deep breaths to calm my racing heart as I watched him look around before walking after the guy and James was followed shortly by..what the-

Is that Connor?!.

What the hell is going on?.

I debated going in to tell Kayden but Connor doesn't know the kind of person James is, he might get hurt.

He couldn't possibly be following James right?, maybe he's drunk and wants to pee or something.

That's it!, he's drunk. I have to save him, I can't risk going in to tell Kayden.

I followed them as I kept taking in deep breaths to reassure myself and I slowed my steps as they turned a deserted corner.

Connor hid behind a wall, poking his head out slightly so he could still see them.

Okay he's definitely not drunk.

I bit my lips as I crouched behind a parked car. I could see them clearly from here but I couldn't hear a thing.

The guy James was talking to started to shake as he held his hands up with his eyes wide open.

James was backing me and I couldn't see his hands but then he lifted his hands higher and I could see a gun.

Oh shit.

I definitely shouldn't be here.

I began to slowly back away when I saw Connor come out of the shadows, kicking a can to announce his presence.

You fucking idiot!.

I patted my pockets to see that my phone wasn't with me. Damn it, I can't even call for help.

James bent his head slightly to the side as he scrutinized Connor and the guy he was threatening immediately scampered away.

The look on James face changed to one of anger and he immediately pointed the gun at Connor.


I have to do something.

I silently moved around the car and inched closer to the wall that hid Connor before he decided to be a fool and now as I leaned further against it, I could hear them perfectly.

''What the fuck do you think you're doing?'' James spat out in anger still pointing the gun at Connor.

''I don't know man, I just kicked a can by accident..didn't know anyone was back here'' Connor shrugged with a blank look on his face.

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