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Kayden's POV.

This girl was pissing me the fuck off. I stifled a curse as I shot her an annoyed look.

"So baby, your place or mine?" She asked batting her eyelashes in a- wait a sec, was  that supposed to be seductive?

Well, too bad. It only makes me want to rip those false eyelashes off her face.

Fucking hell. I need to leave before I actually follow through on that.

"Kay Kay." She whined in her stupid nasal voice, running her fingers up my arm.

"What?" I snapped. "And stop calling me Kay Kay, it's annoying."

"Fine, whatever." She replied, chewing angrily on a piece of gum.

Where the hell is Kat? I was supposed to meet her here, now I'm stuck with this random girl from school.

I ran a hand down my face and looked out the window, doubling back when I spotted a familiar face.

Is that...Alexia?

She looked stiff and Luke had to drag her by the arm before she could leave that spot.

Liv and a tall brown haired guy had already gotten to the door, but when they realized Alexia wasn't coming, the guy walked back to where they were. She shook her head and he said something to her with a smile, grabbing her hand and pulling her after him.

I felt a surge of jealousy and I chuckled humorlessly.

The girl seated in front of me, Hannah or whatever her name was, stared at me warily and I ignored her as I sized the guy up.

I would beat his ass in a fight without breaking a sweat. Was he why she asked me to pretend our kiss never happened?

The bell above the door jingled and their eyes ran over the place as they searched for an empty table.

I massaged my brows and sighed when I noticed an empty table about two tables away from mine. They would definitely have to walk past me to get to the table.

Just as I suspected, Luke pointed out the table and I immediately looked down at my phone when I saw them start to approach.

"Kayden, stop ignoring me." Hannah said, tugging on my thumb.

"Look, Hannah-"

"It's Sarah." she stressed.

"I don't ca- don't you have somewhere else to be? I'm not in a good mood, okay?"

"I bet I can change that." she whispered, biting her lip.

Fucking hell- Even Audrey's more tolerable than this Hannah girl. What the fuck?

"Oh. Hey, Kayden!" Liv waved as they all stopped at my table.

"Hey, dude." Luke said, smiling at me.

"Hey." I replied lamely. "What are you guys doing here?"

I avoided looking at Alexia and I glared at that other dude before returning my gaze to Liv and Luke.

"We got bored and decided to eat out."

"That's nice, I guess." I forced a smile. Why aren't they leaving?

"Sarah, didn't see you there." Liv laughed awkwardly. "How are ya?"

"Shove it." Hannah said as she picked up her bag and stomped out of the diner.

"What's her problem?" I muttered as I leaned back in my chair.

Annnnnd they were still here. I don't- "Can I help you guys with anything?" I blinked.

Liv shot Alexia a look and Alexia was shaking her head vehemently at Liv, not hiding the fact that she was opposed to whatever Liv was going to say.

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