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Alexia's POV
Later that night

We were currently laying in bed cuddled up as we silently watched a movie together but I wasn't really paying attention, I didn't even know the title of the movie we were watching.

I was just...thinking..about stuff.

Stuff like if my real mum was still alive.

Stuff like how relieved I was that Kayden didn't cheat on me...I thought I'd be alone once more but thankfully Audrey was a lying bitch.

I was kinda scared to open the diary I found..I don't know if I'm ready for whatever I might see in it.

Our friends will be here soon and I don't even feel like going to any stupid party..I just want to stay home and read the diary but I already told Liv I'd go.

How stupid of me.

I sighed, snuggling closer to Kayden and he squeezed my side in response.

''Babe?'' He called out, turning to look at me and I hummed in response.

''You know..'' He began ''I was kinda hurt that you still seem to think the worst of me..like I'd willingly cheat on you.. It hurts that you still don't trust me'' He finished returning his gaze to the TV.

''Kayden'' I groaned, sitting up. ''You can't blame me!, if your explanation made sense, I'd have definitely believed you but even you weren't sure of what you were saying!, and of course I trust you.. I just get..insecure sometimes I guess'' I mumbled.

''Well.. I guess you're right but it's okay. I just wanted to let you know I was hurt too, and wait..you get insecure sometimes?'' He said, also sitting up and turning to face me. ''You're the most beautiful girl to me, I don't care what anyone else says, I love you and that's all that matters'' he said softly, brushing my hair out of my face.

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I looked down, avoiding his gaze as I squeezed his hand and resisted the urge to smile.

''Can you uhm like say that again?'' I mumbled.

''What?'' He asked scrunching up his brows curiously.

''The last thing?.''

He grinned cheekily at me as he stared into my eyes.

''I love you?'' He grinned, raising an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes fondly as I also imitated his look.

''Are you asking or telling me?'' I teased.

''I love you Alexia something Smith'' he said and the smile fell off my face as I slapped his shoulder hard.

''You jerk, I told you my middle name!'' I exclaimed, throwing a pillow and he laughed as he dodged it.

''I'm sorry I forgot!.''

''You think this is funny, stop laughing!'' I whined, glaring at him.

''Chill I was joking!'' He said as I picked up another pillow and I stopped to stare at him expectantly.

''I love you Alexia Rose Smith'' He grinned and I immediately felt tears in my eyes.

''Stupid Kayden.. You've turned me into an emotional mess''. I sobbed and he chuckled as he pulled me into his arms.

''At least this time they're tears of joy right?'' He said softly, looking down at me.

I sniffed as I nodded and hugged him tighter.



''I love you too'' I said, burying my face in his chest and his hand froze momentarily before he resumed patting my back.

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