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Alexia's POV

I glanced at Kayden nervously and looked away as he drove the car.

We were currently going to the mall where we all planned to meet this afternoon.

Kayden had been quiet and obviously deep in thought all morning and that made me nervous, because it felt like he was trying to distance himself and...I was.. scared.

Now I know what the big deal about one's first love is...if he leaves me now..I don't know what I would do.

I sighed, making up my mind as I turned to face him.

He clenched his jaw and stole a glance at me before focusing his gaze back on the road.

''Why are you staring at me?'' He asked, forcing a laugh.

''I don't know...why are you acting weird?'' I ask.

''I..don't know what you're talking about'' he replied, glancing at me.

''What's wrong Kayden?, did something bad happen to Audrey? Is that it?'' I asked in exasperation.

He sighed and massaged his brows.

''Look Lexia-'' He started then stopped as the ringing of his phone interrupted him.

I picked it up and stared at Audrey's name before answering the call, narrowing my eyes at him when he started cracking his knuckles while looking away from me.

''What do you want Audrey?'' I asked.

''Where's Kayden?'' She asked.



''If you don't want anything else, I'm hanging up'' I replied, rolling my eyes.


''Whaaaat?'' I groaned.

''Can we talk?.''

''About what'' I asked, glancing at Kayden who was still refusing to look at me.

''I'll tell you when we see, where are you right now?.''

''We're going to the mall.''

''Okay I'll be there in a minute'' she said and hung up.

''What-'' he started then cleared his throat. ''What did she say?''. He asked, avoiding my gaze and I narrowed my eyes at him again.

''I don't know, something about she wanting to tell me something when we get to the mall.''

He sighed and checked the side mirror as he pulled over turning to face me and I raised an eyebrow at him like 'well?'

''Promise me you won't get mad'' he said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

''You saying that just basically means I'm definitely going to get mad'' I replied, folding my arms.

''So you know how I took Audrey home and uh slept over'' he said, glancing at me.

''Yeah..'' I drawled out, my heart starting to beat fast.

''Well she offered me a drink and I think I got drunk or something because I can't really remember much, all I remember is waking up next to her n-naked and even though she kept trying to say we had sex, I don't remember a thing I swear!, and I don't think I had sex wi-with her a-''

I hold a hand up, cutting him off and I could feel tears start to fill my eyes.

''So you're telling me while I was staying up late last night worried about you, you were busy sleeping with your.. ex?.''

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