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Alexia's POV

I walked in to see a dark haired man and mother seated on the couch and for the first time for as long as i could remember, she was..smiling.

They both looked at me as I stood stiffly at the entrance and almost immediately, she scowled at me.

"What the hell are you staring at?'' She said and I shut the door behind me.

"Nothing." I muttered, walking towards the stairs.

"Who's she?" I heard the man ask.

"My...daughter.'' She forced out and I clenched my jaw.

The feeling is mutual, Mother.

"Introduce us." he said shortly.

"Bu-" she started to protest.

"Maria." he warned and I stopped when the hairs on the back of my neck rose at his tone.

"Fine." Mother said quietly. I've never heard her speak so quietly.

Is she scared of him or something?

I didn't have enough time to think as she immediately yelled my name.

"Coming." I muttered, dropping my bag on the stairs. I rounded the corner and came to a stop in front of them.

She had a glare on her face and I resisted the urge to scoff as I made it a point to avoid looking at her man friend's face.

"This is James." She said dryly. "My...boyfriend."

I glanced at him and I finally had a good look at his face. He looked like he was once good looking but I took in his red rimmed eyes and I knew. He's just like her.

He had a sleazy smirk on his face as he offered his hand for a handshake.

I stared at it briefly in disgust before putting my hand in his. I tried to pull my hand away almost immediately, but he didn't let go.

I glanced at Mother to be sure she was seeing this but all she did was look away.

How splendid.

With a strong tug, I yanked my hand out of his. I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled darkly.

"I guess I'll be seeing more of you then." he grinned.

I only eyed him in response and headed towards my room. One thing was certain...I had to stay away from that dude, he's clearly bad news.

I let out a deep sigh as I fell on my bed.

Trust her to always attract bad company. At least with her boyfriend in the house, I won't get a beating this night.

Subconsciously, my thoughts strayed to Kayden.

What does he want from me?

I mean we've barely had anything in common or a conversation before, so what's so special about me now that he's trying to talk to me almost every frigging day?

I let out a yawn as I felt myself getting sleepy. My stomach rumbled and I groaned as i turned on my side.

As always, I guess I was going to bed hungry.

I was almost asleep when a knock on my door startled me.

The hell?

"Who's there?" I asked.

I'm pretty sure it's not mother, she would have been yelling already.


I sat up when I recognized that voice as James's voice.

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