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Kayden's POV

I stared at her house cautiously as I ran a hand through my hair breathing hard.

Could she have come here? The place looked.. empty.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I brought it out to see that Luke was the one calling.

Oh shit, we were supposed to meet at the mall, I picked up and held it to my ear.

''Luke?, yeah uh I don't think we can make it.''

''Yes we got into..a fight.. How did y-''

''Wait what?...Audrey told you everything?, are you serious?.''

''She said she lied?...so we didn't have sex?.''

''Yeah I'll find her.''

''Yeah bye.''

I laughed in relief as it felt like a load was lifted off my chest.

What the hell.

We didn't have sex.

God I felt like yelling it out loud.

But first I have to find Lexia.

I made to push the door open but I stopped and decided to knock instead.

No one came after the first knock and I continued knocking till the door opened and I blinked rapidly when I found myself looking at some dude.

Wait a sec.

It's that same dude from that night.

''What the fuck are you doing here?'' I growled.

''I should be asking you that question'' he replied, folding his arms.

''Where's Alexia?'' I asked coldly, glaring at him and I stiffened as my gaze slid lower to see that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

''What the hell are you staring at?'' He said,  taunting me.

''If you don't answer right now, I swear-''

''She's upstairs'' he replied, trying to gauge my reaction.

''Doing what?'' I asked, dreading his answer.

''Wouldn't you like to know'' he chuckled and I couldn't take it anymore, I went blind with rage and punched him.

I was staring down at him angrily when I heard Alexia.

''What the fuck are you doing here?.''

My gaze snapped up to hers and I sighed in relief when I saw that she was dressed.

''Babe I was so worried when you ran off'' I said, moving closer to her and my steps stopped when she moved back.

''I don't want to see you''. She said, not looking at me.

''Babe, Audrey told Luke everything, it was all a lie, she-''

''And why would I believe you?.''

''Baby please listen'' I groaned in frustration. ''I swear you can call Luke, I'd never cheat on you'' I said, emotion seeping through my voice.

She finally looked at me and sighed then she walked over to me and I stop, staring down at her.

''Fine, I'm sorry I ran off, I'm tired and I don't want to do this right now''. She said, looking up at me.

''Are you- are you asking me to leave?'' I asked in disbelief.

''Yes'' she replied bluntly and I scoffed as I looked up and saw that dude was now standing behind her still cupping his bleeding nose.

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