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Alexia's POV

Kayden just dropped me off after I spent about two hours at his place. He wanted to get ready for tonight's game which would take place an hour from now.

I met his mother properly and even though she hinted at us being a couple, we both refused to say a word.

I smiled when I thought about the look on Kayden's face when he was about to kiss me and his mom appeared out of nowhere, asking if she could wear a weird looking shirt to tonight's game.


I pushed open the front door and the smile fell off my face when I noticed mother and James sitting on the couch staring at me deviously as I walked in.

I was tempted to just retrace my steps and run out the front door but I stopped when I noticed the packed suitcases at their feet.

For a moment I felt a rush of happiness. Were they planning on leaving the country perhaps and possibly never coming back?

But I snapped out of my imagination when my gaze fell on the familiar duffel bag placed in plain sight, right where I could see it and my heart dropped to my feet.

"No." I whispered in shock, my bag falling to the floor.

Mother got to her feet and started to click her tongue rhythmically.

"You know," She started. "I was out of cash and decided to search your room for any of your filthy clothes I could possibly sell for quick cash and guess what I found under daughter dearest's bed? This." She said, pointing at the bag and I shook my head pleadingly.

"Please, no." I whispered over and over again as I took two steps forward then stopped.

"I don't give a flying fuck where you got all this money from, but what I do know is you're not the one who's gonna be spending it." She said and they both burst into laughter.

Tears welled up in my eyes quickly and I started to breathe heavily as I could feel myself start to panic.

The money I had been saving for a long time..my college fees, money I could start a new life with after escaping here.

All flashing before my eyes.

I can't lose this money. I don't know how much is in it, but from the accomplished smirks on their faces, I know it's a lot of money.

"Don't do this." I whispered pleadingly, my gaze darting between both of them frantically.

"You poor thing." James sneered. "You know, your mother actually wanted to leave before you got back but i told her to stay so I could see the look on your face and guess what? So worth it." He finished, then they both grabbed their suitcases and as mother bent over to pick up my duffel bag, I snapped and rushed forward.

"Get your filthy hands away from my bag!" I yelled, charging at her only for James to pull me back by the hair, slapping me hard across the face.

I fell to the floor and I didn't realize I was crying till tears started to cloud my vision. I tried getting to my feet again and mother kicked me so hard I thought I heard my ribs snap.

"You still want this?!" She yelled in my face, waving the duffel bag wildly and proceeding to whack me in the head with it repeatedly.

"Stop." I cried hoarsely as my head started to pound. I could feel myself start to get dizzy.

She wrapped her fingers around my neck while James stood in the corner, watching us with a sickening smile on his face.

"You dumb bitch!" She yelled, spittle flying from her mouth. "Fucking pathetic just like your stupid hoe of a mother!" She increased the pressure on my neck and I started to choke.

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