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Kayden's POV.

We arrived the scene and the paramedics immediately got to work, barking orders at us to stay back.

I craned my neck trying to catch a glimpse of Alexia, then I saw her when they strapped her to the stretcher and wheeled her into the ambulance, her eyes were opening and closing like she was trying to stay conscious.

I grab at my hair, relieved at the fact that she was alive but still panicking nonetheless.

I could see a blood soaked shirt on the floor, I glanced up to see a topless Connor talking with a police officer and he nodded as they said something to him while getting a rough looking man to his feet,cuffing both Connor and the man.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw that the man was limping, he looked like he had been shot in the leg or something.

I was preparing to go over and find out what was going on when Connor caught my gaze and shook his head at me mouthing at me to follow the ambulance that was pulling away.

Oh shit, Alexia.

I rushed to my car once more. I got in to see Liv still crying and explaining to someone over the phone, probably Luke or Kat.

We got to the hospital minutes later and we were told to wait in the waiting room while they wheeled Alexia off.

Luke and Kathryn joined us minutes later, they all had guilty looks on their faces and I sighed as I walked over to them.

''Guys, you've got to stop beating your-'' I started then stopped as Kathryn interrupted me.

''It's all my fault'' she started '' I shouldn't have left her'' she finished sniffling.

''No'' Liv whispered ''I let her go out, so I'm to blame here, I should have tried to tal-''

''And I shouldn't have said we'll come to the stupid party'' I cut in. ''She didn't want to really come but she did probably because I said we'd go or something.. Blaming ourselves won't be of any help, let's just hope she's okay'' I finished, trying to smile but it probably came off as a grimace.

''I-i don't know man'' Luke sighed ''I'm so worried, we don't even know what happened.''

''I don't know, but.. '' I shook my head as I trailed off, not knowing what to say anymore,I gave him a pat on the back returning to my seat, I kept bouncing my leg nervously and it felt like forever before the doctor finally showed up with a small smile on his face.

We all gave each other reassuring glances as we got to our feet.

''Are you all here for Miss Smith?'' The nice looking doctor asked and we all nodded.

I held my breath, waiting to hear what he was going to say.

''She's going to be okay'' He said and we all let out breaths of relief while he continued.

''The bullet was awfully close to her chest but thankfully it didn't hit anything vital and we were able to remove the bullet without any complications, right now she's resting and won't be able to receive visitors until when she's awake so I'd advise you guys to either go and freshen up or rest till she wakes up'' He smiled and nodded as he walked off.

I fell against the wall as it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

She's going to be okay.

I got pulled into a group hug by Luke and I chuckled, wrapping my arms around them.

''She's okay Liv, shh, stop crying'' Luke whispered placing a kiss on her head.

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