Epilogue (Alexia)

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One week later.

''What do you mean you're not going?'' Kayden asked, searching my face in disbelief.

''I mean I'm not going'' I sigh.

''I thought you got into NYU too, I thought we were going together!'' He exclaimed.

''Yes I got in, but I'm not interested.''

''So where do you wanna go then?.''

''I'm not interested in any college Kayden.''

''What?'' He whispered, moving closer to me.

''Kayden look, I'm okay with being an high school graduate, the only reason I wanted to go to college was because it felt like that was the only way I could escape Maria then.. But now..I have no desire to go to college'' I say, taking his hands in mine.

''So what do you want to do?.''

''Open a restaurant'' I reply determinedly.

''Do you need my help?, I could help you start up-''

''Kayden'' I call and he looks at me. ''I've got this, sure I might need to work in a restaurant for like two years or something, to save and get the hang of it but ..this is what I want to do.''

He smiled sadly, nodding to himself.

''So if you stay here and I go to New York, what does that mean for us?.''

''Oh I'm not staying here.''

''Uh?..don't tell me..?.''

I grin ''yes I'm moving to New York.''

''Yes!'' He laughed as he lifts me up in the air and I grinned, wrapping my hands around his neck.

''So..my Dad has like this small apartment I'm going to stay in instead of a dorm and you're welcome to-''

I hold a hand out to stop him.

''What?'' He asks in confusion.

''I'm paying rent.''

''But that's unnecessary, its just-''

''Kayden'' I warn and he groans ''if we're going to be roommates, I'm paying rent.''

''Fine whatever. As long as you're with me, do whatever makes you happy'' he grins, pulling me against him and dropping a quick kiss on my lips.

I smile up at him and I think...

I'm scared to think about what we might face in the future because I love him so much it's...frightening.

I'm in too deep and if he leaves me..that might break me for good.

But right now? I don't care.

I'm happy now and that's all that matters.

I thought I was broken beyond repair before I met him but then he came and stitched me right back up.

He throws his window open and looks at me with a playful grin.

''Now yell I love you Kayden so all the neighbours can hear you.''

''You know I'm not doing that.''

''Want me to spank you?.''



''I'm not doing it.''


''Kayden don't you dare'' I said as he moved closer.


''I LOVE YOU KAYDEN!!'' I yelled before he could grab me and I squealed as he grabbed me anyway.

''I'm hungry.''

''Well what do you want to eat?.''


And it's a wrap people, you get a thank you, you get a thank you , everyone gets a thank you!!.

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