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Alexia's POV.

I walked in to see James and a guy I didn't know, sitting on the couch and smoking.

I shut the door behind me and immediately their gazes snapped to mine. James had a sleazy smirk on, while the other guy just shot me a bored look and I swear it felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest.

"Look who just walked in." James said, running his eyes all over my body.

"Where's mother?" I asked, inching closer to the stairs.

I never learn, why was I even talking to him?

"Out." he said nonchalantly.

"Who's that?" I asked, nodding at the guy seated beside him.

The guy had wavy black hair and hazel eyes. His full lips curled up in a sneer when I started to take his features in. His nose looked like it had been broken once or twice but it just made him look more... breathtaking.

Even though he looked like the stereotypical 'bad boy', he was still one of the most hottest guys I'd ever seen.

My gaze finally met his. I stared into his eyes and just like that, I knew. He was just like them.

What a waste of beauty.

"This is my son, Jonah." James said, puffing out rings of smoke.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. His son? What the hell, they looked nothing alike.

Well... I can relate. I'm glad I look nothing like her.

Jonah sat up and just like his father, he ran his gaze all over my body before finally meeting my gaze. He blinked once then cocked his head at me thoughtfully.

My skin was literally crawling right now. I've never been this creeped out.

"I'm heading up." I said, clutching my backpack tightly to my side as i walked towards the stairs.

"Why don't you chill with us for a second?" James said, patting the space beside him.

"Why the fuck would I do that?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Hm. She's got some fire." Jonah hummed.

I heard him speak and for a second, I was tempted to look around to see where that voice came from.

I was stunned.

His voice was so fucking deep yet quiet at the same time, it was hard to describe. Raspy yet lazy. It didn't suit his bad boy persona.

I cursed when my brain reminded me of where I was and I found myself rushing up the stairs.

I could hear laughter behind me and i quickened my pace.

I shut my room door immediately locking it and I slid to the ground breathing heavily.

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I closed my eyes refusing to let the tears drop.


Sick of my pathetic life.

Should I run away?

But what about school? We're in the middle of senior year already.

It's okay Alexia, I tried to calm myself down. Breathe. It's only a matter of time.

It's only a matter of time.

I woke up to someone pounding on my door and since I was leaning on it, it felt like my head was going to fall off my body.

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