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Alexia's POV

I got to school and I let out a sigh when I saw Kayden, his friends and my friends standing in front of my locker.

Right when I was considering walking away, Liv's head shot up and she met my gaze. She grinned and waved at me, calling the attention of the rest of them to me.

I smiled back hesitantly and lifted my hand in a short wave. Kayden started to walk towards me with a thoughtful look on his face.

He stood in front of me and I stared up at him and without a word he pulled me in for a hug.

Students stopped and started whispering and Liv and Luke had shocked looks on their faces.

Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"You okay?" He whispered in my ear.

"No." I replied, my words a bit muffled by his clothing.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No." I repeated.

He pulled away and held me at arms length.

"It's okay, Lexia... whenever you're ready."

"Thank you." I whispered, hugging him again and ignoring the students catcalls and snide remarks.

He intertwined our hands and pulled me after him to class. As we walked past Liv, Luke and Kathryn, they smiled and Liv yelled out from behind me.

"About fucking time."


We were all currently seated in the cafeteria including Austin and Connor...I guess they've resolved their differences.

"So today's the game..are you guys prepared?" Kathryn asked, her gaze darting back and forth between Connor and Austin.

"Oh please..we were born ready." Austin replied, flexing his muscles.

"The wolves are no match for us." Connor said, giving Kayden a fist bump.

"You're still gonna come, right?" Kayden asked, turning to face me.

"Yeah. I've got nothing better to do anyway." I shrugged.

"Sweet." He replied, throwing his arm across my shoulder.

I flicked my hair behind my ear with a bashful smile. I then glanced up to see Kathryn staring at me as our gazes met, she smiled before looking away.

What was that about?

Liv and Luke were seated across from me and Liv was as red as a tomato... probably because Luke kept staring at her.

That reminds me.

Stretching my leg, I kicked her under the table and she immediately glanced at me.

"We'll talk later." I mouthed.

"About what?" She said out loud. I rolled my eyes at her when the rest of them stared at us inquisitively.

She looked sheepish and I glared at her as I replied "Later." and she nodded.

"Alexia..can I speak to you for a sec?" Connor said and I blinked at him.

What does he want to talk to me about? We don't even talk that much.

"What? Why?" Kayden asked, sitting up and staring at Connor suspiciously.

Connor ignored him and was still looking at me as he waited for my response.

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