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Alexia's POV

We walked through the doors and then I glanced down at my hand on his wrist.

When did I hold his hand?

I pulled my hand from his and he shot me an apologetic glance.

I shook my head, reassuring him. He's cute and all but..nah. I'd rather not hold hands with anyone.

"So,'' He glanced at me. ''What class do you have now?"

"Math....you?" I asked.

"Me too."

I glanced at him when he opened the door and motioned for me to go in first.

"Thank you."

I immediately headed for the back seat and he followed me hesitantly. I could tell he was the front seat kinda guy but that wasn't me.

I settled down into the seat while he sat a seat away from me, twiddling his thumbs, and I hid a smile at his awkwardness.

The teacher walked in and we all brought out our notebooks, preparing to jot down whatever shit Miss Marshall spewed from her mouth.

The door opened and we all turned our heads to see none other than Kayden Hart.
He had a bright smile on his face as he faced the teacher.

"You are late, Mr Hart" Miss Marshall said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at that.

Everyone sucks up to the great Kayden Hart.

Kayden held his hands up apologetically, still smiling as he replied.

"Won't happen again ma'am."

"Go take your seat then."


His eyes darted around, searching for an empty seat. His bright blue eyes met my dull brown ones and I gave him a bored look before looking away.

There was an empty seat between Luke and I and it looked like he was headed here. I contemplated telling Luke to scoot over so Kayden could have the other seat but I glanced at Luke and he looked so absorbed in the teaching that I didn't want to disturb him.

I let out a defeated sigh when Kayden finally settled down next to me.

Every now and then, I noticed Kayden's gaze would dart towards my side and I found that very annoying. I couldn't take it anymore and I turned towards him.

"You've got something to say or what?" I asked under my breath.

He took one glance at the teacher and straightened as he answered.

"Just wanted to apologize for what my friends said earlier."

Why does he care?

"That's sweet, now please shut the fuck up.'' I said with a fake smile.

He stared at me in disbelief.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Fine then." he replied, nodding stiffly.

I knew I was being a bitch but something about Kayden made me tick..in a bad way.

We heard the bell ring, the teacher left and we all filed out amidst incessant chatter and annoying stuff students do.

I could feel Luke's presence behind me and I turned to give him a slight smile which he reciprocated.

"So, where do you stay?" Luke asked, quickening his steps to match mine.

"Near school." I replied vaguely.

STITCHES(Completed✔) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now