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Kayden's pov (two hours ago).

"Audrey we can't keep hiding out in the car, I don't think your step dad is home" I said, running a hand down my face tiredly.

"But he told my mum that I hadn't come home in a while and she forced me to come here, if he wasn't home why did he want me here?" Audrey said as she chewed on her nails.

"We'll never know if you don't go in."

She sighed in agreement and I drove through the huge gates and down the long path, then around the fountain as I parked my car.

"His car is not here" she said, smiling happily.

"Cool, so I'll call you later?" I said, preparing to drive away as she got out.

"Wait!" She yelled "come in Kayden."

"What?, It's late Audrey" I said, furrowing my brows.

Alexia must be worried by now, I didn't even say anything to her before leaving now that I think of it.

"Just for ten minutes, I'm scared" she pleaded and I groaned as I got out of my car and we both walked into the house before she shut the door behind us.

I stared at the long empty hallway and I shivered slightly, it all felt so...gloomy, like no one lives here....no one really does anyway.

"Where are the maids and stuff?" I asked as she walked to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a glass of whisky.

"He fired them a long time ago, so no one would be a witness to his cruelty" she smiled bitterly as she poured the drink down her throat wincing at the burning taste.

"Well..damn" I said quietly as I sat down next to her, looking at the family portraits on the wall.

She looked so happy before her dad died.

"Drink with me Kay" she said, interrupting my thoughts and passing me an half full glass of whisky.

When did she get an extra glass?.

"Have you forgotten I will be driving?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"One glass won't hurt."


"I-i'm sorry, you probably find me pathetic, I get it."

She sniffed as she looked away from me and I sighed, taking the glass from her and pouring the drink down my throat.

"There, happy?."

"Very" she said biting her lip and grinning.

"What are you grinning like a Cheshire cat for?" I said, rolling my eyes.

Minutes later, I felt myself start to feel weak and kinda drowsy.

"Are you okay Kayden?" Audrey asked and I blinked rapidly as I tried to get my eyes to focus.

"I just feel so tired all of a sudden" I slurred as I tried to get up.

Audrey helped me get up and I said a thank you to her, but then she started to head up the stairs with her arm around my waist supporting me.

"What are you doing?" I slurred trying to break away from her hold but I felt so weak.

What the hell?.

I need to get home to Alexia.

"Don't you wanna rest?."


That sounds so good right now.


I have to leave.

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