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Alexia's POV

My eye hadn't fully healed and as I clutched my books to my chest and walked down the hallway, I could feel people staring at me but I ignored them till i got to my locker.

I had spent two days in Kayden's penthouse and Kayden dropped in from time to time as Luke and Liv oh and Audrey kept my company.

I felt happy and carefree during the space of those two days and it was refreshing to finally be worry free, but now we were back to school except Audrey(her bruises were still obvious) and I was worried about my grades , we start tests today then Mock exams and Final Exams next week.

Luke drove Liv and I to school but it looked like they needed privacy so I told them to meet me at my locker.

I was worried about Kayden, he went home last night after a call from his dad and I tried calling him last night but his phone was switched off and now I can't find him anywhere in school.

I shut my locker and leaned against it as I stared at the entrance watching out for Luke and Liv.

We got to school kinda early today.

"Hey Alexia!" Someone called out and I turned my head to see none other than Kathryn.

"Hey" I responded shortly as she stopped in front of me and I peered behind her searching for Kayden.

"Looking for someone?" She asked with a knowing smile on her face.

"No"I looked at her "well yeah.. where's Kayden?" I asked as the bell went off.

What the hell is holding Luke and Liv up?.

"He's not in school."

"Yeah I figured" I rolled my eyes "where exactly is he?."

"I'll be late for my class" she winked at me "catch you later" she sang as she walked away.

I groaned in frustration, God she's so annoying!.

I decided to go ahead without Luke and Liv and I walked into class, sitting next to Connor and Austin.

"Hey guys" I waved and they smiled in response as the teacher walked in.

I guess Luke and Liv are skipping first period then.

"Okay" The teacher started in a bored tone as she picked up stack of papers from her table. "Since we wrote a test the last time, we don't need to write another one today."

The whole class let out "woooos" and "yayys" and she shushed them as she continued.

"So Abby, hand this over to the rest of the class and let's get ready for a new lesson" She finished, handing out the test papers to Abby.

Abby handed mine to me and I was relieved to see that I had a B.

I tucked it away and turned to face Connor as the teacher excused herself and the rest of the class chattered away.

"Hey Connor, why isn't Kayden in school?" I asked.

"I don't know" he answered, shrugging. "He didn't give me a reason, just texted me saying he wasn't gonna come today."

"Me too" Austin added.

"Oh..he texted you guys?" I asked, crestfallen.

"Yeah..he didn't text you?" Austin asked glancing at Connor then me.

"No" I shrugged trying to brush it off "it's alright."

They wanted to say something but the teacher walked in and started teaching.

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