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Alexia's pov

We pulled up in front of my house and I silently hoped he wouldn't ask to come in, because I had a feeling a storm was brewing tonight.

Who am I kidding? When was it ever peachy here?

I got out immediately and glanced up to see that the lights were still on upstairs.

She's home.

"So..I guess this is good night then."

Thank God.

I closed my eyes briefly in relief before turning to face him.

"Yeah bye, see you tomorrow." I waved and walked off without waiting for his reply.

I made sure I heard him pull away from the curb before I opened the front door. I walked in to see mother sitting on her usual chair, smoking as always.

On seeing me, she got to her feet immediately with a sinister look on her face.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She snarled.

And I was surprised. Normally, she didn't give a fuck if I came home or not, so her question could only mean one thing.

She's in a really bad mood.


"I was looking for a job." I replied, looking down briefly, because her eyes were creeping me out.

"So you come home at 7 pm, some dude drops you off and you expect me to believe that load of crap?!" She yelled, spittle flying from her mouth.

Was she peeking at me?

"I-i got the job- believe me, I'm not lying." I tried to calm her down, hating myself for stuttering.

But like always, it was like she didn't hear a word I said.

"So you're a slut now isn't it? You want to be a fucking hoe uh? I don't think so." she sneered, advancing towards me.

I backed away from her till I felt my back hit the front door.

She tugged hard on my hair, using it to pull me close then flung me across the room.

Almost immediately, I felt a searing pain in my scalp and tears welled up in my eyes instantly.

"Mom..please no." I pleaded as she reached for me again.

My face paled when she stopped, a sick expression on her face.

I realized my mistake and I could only think of one thing.

Too late.

"What did you just call me?" She asked calmly...too calm.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Fuck you!''" she yelled as she raised her leg high and stomped hard on my ribs.

  I felt my breath seize and in that moment, I actually wished for death. I knew I was a wimp, I didn't have the guts to kill myself. Every time she hurt me, I always prayed for death to take me so it could be finally over.

Nothing worth living for.

She pulled me up roughly and kneed me in the gut. I heard myself cry out in pain as I bent over but it sounded so far away.
She shoved me away from her and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Just when I thought she was done, she walked over to me again. She bent her knees in a crouch and her filthy fingers wrapped around my neck. I felt myself smile when she started to squeeze.

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